
useCase commerce

Magnolia provides commerce tools and connectors, facilitating seamless integration with e-commerce platforms. With our modular and flexible architecture, we allow users to efficiently manage product information, pricing, and transactions. Our commerce connectors enable smooth connections with popular e-commerce systems, streamlining the overall online shopping experience.

You can create and customize your digital storefronts, manage product catalogs, and optimize the customer journey. These practical commerce features make Magnolia a valuable solution for organizations seeking a reliable platform to build and enhance their e-commerce capabilities.

Commerce modules

Magnolia modules are shipped to you in different ways depending on your license:

  • Community Edition (CE): Modules are bundled as part of the free and open-source version.

  • DX Core: Modules are bundled as part of the DX Core enterprise product. Modules in this bundle are in addition to those in the Community Edition bundle.

  • Unbundled: Unbundled modules are those modules not included with CE or DX Core. In some cases, an additional license is required.

    For more details, see License.
Module CE DX Core Unbundled

Adobe commerce connector

Adyen Connector module

Algolia E-commerce connector

Commercetools commerce connector

E-commerce Category Sync

Salesforce Commerce Cloud connector

SAP connector

Shop module


DX Core



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DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules