Magnolia maintenance policy

This page contains the Magnolia CMS maintenance policy as well as information on the frequency of releases and updates.

Magnolia Client-Hosted release policy

Magnolia will make maintenance releases in source and binary form for the current major version of its software several times per year. Maintenance releases for the current major version are available for the Community Edition as well as Magnolia DX Core.

Maintenance releases for previous major versions of Magnolia are available to Magnolia DX Core customers only (i.e. customers that have an active subscription to Magnolia DX Core). We don’t make maintenance releases to the Community Edition of previous major versions.

Magnolia classifies major releases (x.y) into Long-Term Support (LTS) and Feature releases.

Long-term support (LTS)

Unless otherwise stated, Long-term support (LTS) releases are maintained for at least two years after their release. When a new major release is made available, the current LTS release goes into maintenance mode.

The duration of maintenance mode is determined by Magnolia.

Feature releases

Feature releases are fully maintained until the following LTS or Feature release is available.

When a new LTS or Feature release is available, we will ship one more maintenance release after which the current Feature release can be declared end-of-life:

  • Immediately with the final maintenance release.

  • After an extended end-of-life period, to support migration.


Magnolia releases are numbered x.y.z (e.g. Magnolia 6.2.1) whereby x.y denotes the major version and z the maintenance release number. The final release with the highest major version number is referred to as the current major version. A release is final when it is no longer marked as Alpha, Beta, Developer Preview, Milestone or with similar indicators of a generally accepted, non-final state.

Maintenance mode
  • We don’t add new features to the release.

  • We do provide support, bug fixes and security fixes.

  • Access to artifacts (bundles, webapps, modules) in maintenance mode requires a DX Core license.

Release notes

The release notes contain a list of current and previous versions, including their maintenance releases and the release dates.

See our release notes for more details.

Magnolia Cloud maintenance release policy

Magnolia will make maintenance releases in source and binary form for the current major version of its software several times per year. These releases will be available to Magnolia Cloud customers shortly after they have been published for the client-hosted edition.


Magnolia releases are numbered x.y.z (e.g. Magnolia 6.2.1) whereby x.y denotes the major version and z the maintenance release number. The final release with the highest major version number is referred to as the current major version. A release is final when it is no longer marked as Alpha, Beta, Developer Preview, Milestone or with similar indicators of a generally accepted, non-final state.

Release notes

The release notes contain a list of current and previous versions, including their maintenance releases and the release dates.

See our release notes for more details.

Cloud Cockpit

There will only be one active and supported version of the Magnolia Cloud Cockpit. New versions are made available by Magnolia to all customers at the same time.


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DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules
6.3 beta

Magnolia 6.3 beta

Magnolia 6.3 is in beta. We are updating docs based on development and feedback. Consider the 6.3 docs currently in a state of progress and not final.

We are working on some 6.3-beta known issues during this phase.