Hello Magnolia - Hosted Headless


  • What is a Headless CMS?

  • Defining a Content Type

  • Forms to add content

  • Content delivery API

  • Frontend client

Scenario: We received the rough UX for the new project from our design team, but they still haven’t decided on the details yet. However the content from our travel packages is already defined and we do not want to hold our marketers back from entering their content. We’ll provision the CMS to allow them to enter content right away.

What is a Headless CMS?

A headless CMS does not render the content for any channel like websites and mobile apps, it just serves the stored content over REST API’s.

A Headless CMS separates your content from the systems that render the content. It allows authors and marketers to create content that is "future proof" and can be used on different channels. And it allows developers to consume the content and use it in any way they want, and whatever tools they want.


Setup Node.js and npm

Type node -v and npm -v in a terminal or command prompt. If the system reports a version number, Node.js and npm are installed on your computer.

$ node -v
$ npm -v
If Node.js and/or npm is not installed you can follow these instructions.

Our system is prepared and ready. Next install the Magnolia CLI.

Install Magnolia CLI

The Magnolia Commandline Interface (CLI) helps you to download, install and start Magnolia. It also provides many handy tools for developing light modules.

$ npm install @magnolia/cli -g

Depending on your permissions and the Node.js installation location, you may have to execute the above command with root permissions. On Linux or OS-X, to run this command as root, use:

$ sudo npm install @magnolia/cli -g

Test that it is installed correctly:

$ mgnl -v
Magnolia CLI: 4.0.0 (node.js: v12.15.0)

More to read:

You can find more information in the Magnolia CLI docs.

This will take you to another section of the docs site.

Your system is ready to go Let’s build a headless app, shall we?

Create a Light Module

Light modules are a slim way to configure Magnolia. They are just a directory of files following a set of conventions.

The system picks up any changes to the files and immediately implements the changes.

In your terminal, go into the light-modules directory.


mgnl create-light-module basic-trips-lm

Have a look at the contents of the directory it created.

Create a Content Type

After talking to the design and marketing team we know that our Travel Packages can have the following information:

  • name

  • description

  • featured - A boolean

  • image - A reference to an asset

  • tour types - A reference to another Content Type of `tour types'

  • location

  • date - The start date

  • duration - A list with four options

  • tour operator

  • body - some rich text to describe the travel package

What we have just described is our Content Model. It’s the contract between developers and marketers to create their website.

In Magnolia we define the model of content with `Content Types''. Implementing content types is very developer friendly, just describe the type in a `Yaml file.

  1. Go into the new basic-trips-lm directory.

    cd basic-trips-lm
  2. Use the CLI to create a new Content Type

    mgnl create-content-type trips --app (1)
    1 The CLI has created a working scaffold of a new type, and even an app with an editing UI. (Note that)

Now we’ll tune it to fit our project.

  1. Edit the contentTypes/trips.yaml file. Replace the entire contents with the following:

      workspace: trips
      autoCreate: true
          label: Name
          required: true
          i18n: true
          label: Description
          i18n: true
          type: Boolean #Types 'Decimal', 'Long' and 'Double' are also available.
          label: Feature this item
          type: asset
          label: Image
          label: Tour Types
          label: Start City
          i18n: true
          label: Date
          type: Date
          type: Long
          label: Tour Duration
              value: 2
              label: 2 days
              value: 7
              label: 7 days
              value: 14
              label: 14 days
              value: 21
              label: 21 days
          label: Tour Operator
          i18n: true
          type: richText
          label: Body
          i18n: true

Notice that this file is slim, readable, and almost identical to the specification from the `marketing team'. It couldn’t really be any lighter.

Once deployed, Magnolia will automatically pickup the new content type and will make it available on our running instance. We’ll do that a little later.

More to read: Content types documentation.

This will take you to another section of the docs site.

Create a Content App

A Content App is an editing UI.

Thanks to that --app parameter that we used with the create-content-type command, an app file has already be created. Let’s tune it.

Edit the apps/trips.yaml file, and replace its contents with the following.

name: trips

# Optionally override any of the app configuration supplied by the content type.
    label: Detail Trip
          buttonLabel: "Featured"
          $type: jcrMultiValueField
          type: String
            $type: linkField
                appName: categories

Create a REST Endpoint

Inside basic-trips-lm , create a restEndpoints directory, with a delivery directory under that.

Result: basic-trips-lm/restEndpoints/delivery.

In that location, create a file named (you guessed it) trips.yaml with the following content:

class: info.magnolia.rest.delivery.jcr.v2.JcrDeliveryEndpointDefinition
workspace: trips
depth: 10
bypassWorkspaceAcls: true
includeSystemProperties: true
  - mgnl:content

  - name: assetReference
    propertyName: image
      class: info.magnolia.rest.reference.dam.AssetReferenceResolverDefinition
        - 960x720
        - 480x360

What did we just do?

  • We modeled our content and created a Content Type.

  • We created an App to edit the content.

  • We created a REST endpoint to access it.

Deploy to Hosted Magnolia

Double check what you have changed.

cd ..
git status

Add all changes, commit, and push your change to git.

git add --all
git commit -m "Add 'trips' content type, app, endpoint."
git push

To see your new Trips app, log out (Menu in the upper right-hand corner) and log back in to your hosted Magnolia Author instance. (If you get a blank screen when you log out, simply visit https://magnolia-trials.com. Once logged in, press the grid icon in the header. Your Trips app is in the app launcher!

Now, open your Trips app, and go ahead and create a few trips. (Have a dream vacation in mind? :)


Don’t see the Trips app? Double check that you have created the files as mentioned above. You should have a directory structure like this:

  • light-modules

    • basic-trips-lm

      • apps

        • trips.yaml

      • contentTypes

        • trips.yaml

      • restEndpoints

        • delivery

          • trips.yaml

Something still not right? A good troubleshooting tool is the Definitions app.

  • In the Magnolia UI, type Definitions in the Find Bar at the top, and open the app.

  • Switch to the Problems tab, and see if there are any problems from your module: basic-trips-lm.

  • The problem detail message will give you clues about what went wrong. It’s usually just a typo.


  • Open a new browser tab

  • Go to url: [YOUR_AUTHOR_URL]/.rest/delivery/trips

  • You can see the JSON

Now try:

  • Go to url: [YOUR_AUTHOR_URL]/.rest/delivery/trips/?limit=100&orderBy=mgnl:lastModified%20desc.

    • limit parameter. Endpoints limit to 10 results by default.

    • orderBy parameter. You can order on any property.

For published content, just use [YOUR_PUBLIC_URL] instead of [YOUR_AUTHOR_URL] in the above links.

Did you get an empty result set? Then go back to your Trips app, select an item, and use the Publish action. (You may need to scroll down in the Action Bar to find it.)


Now you’ve built and deployed your own headless project to your server. Authors can edit and publish content, and you can retrieve and use that content in any frontend or channel. Next, we’ll build a simple frontend. Or you can jump to the bottom of the page for Next Steps.

Extra: Build a client

We have seen how easy it is to get started.

In this section we complete the story with a simple client

Do you already have a frontend or client project in mind? Then feel free to skip this section and go ahead and change your own project to consume the trips endpoint.

Let’s build the simplest website.

02 01 vanilla result

Create an index.html file anywhere on your computer.

For example you could put it in your Magnolia-Trial directory, or in the _dev directory if you’d like to have it checked into your git project.

Write the client

Edit index.html and copy in the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
      content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"
    <title>Hello, world!</title>
    <div class="jumbotron">
      <h1 class="display-4">Magnolia Trips</h1>
      <p class="lead">List of all Trips</p>
    <div class="container">
      <div class="card-columns tours"><!-- placeholder for results --></div>
      (function ($) {
        const ENDPOINT =
          "[YOUR_AUTHOR_URL]/.rest/delivery/trips/?limit=100&orderBy=mgnl:lastModified%20desc"; (1)
        const IMAGE_BASE = "[YOUR_AUTHOR_URL]";

        $.get(ENDPOINT, function (data) {
              (item) => `
                  <div class="card">
                    <img src="${
                      IMAGE_BASE +
                      (item.image ? item.image.renditions["480x360"].link : "")
                    }" class="card-img-top" alt="...">

                    <div class="card-body">
                      <h5 class="card-title">${item.name}</h5>
                      <p class="card-text">${item.description}</p>
1 In the page, replace the [YOUR_AUTHOR_URL] placeholders with your actual Author URL.

Run the frontend

The frontend needs to be run on a web server. In your terminal go to the directory containing index.html and start a web server, then access your page in the browser.

For example, use the http-server npm package:

npm install http-server -g

(Just opening the index.html file in a web browser, for example by double-clicking on it, will result in CORS errors.)

Permissions for Images

What? No images displaying? We need to allow anonymous access to the image urls since we are running on the Author instance.

If you do not see images, it’s because you are logged in as a superuser to Magnolia. Try opening your client app in another browser.
  • In Magnolia, click the grid icon at the top, and open the Security app.

  • Open the Roles tab, and edit the anonymous role.

  • Go to the Web access tab.

  • Click Add new and enter path /.imaging* set to GET.

README security anonymous imaging

Now refresh your client, et voila - images!

Congratulations! You’ve built a client for your Headless CMS!

Next Steps / FAQ

Next, to learn more about building and deploying the SPA included in the preinstalled demo project follow this tutorial:

Or, jump straight to the magnolia-trials.com FAQ to review, and to choose your learning path.




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