Segment CDP extension

Customer data Unbundled: Extension






Compatible with Magnolia 6.2.

The Segment CDP extension enables Magnolia Authors to create multichannel personalized experiences based on insights from Segment without ever leaving the Magnolia UI. This module leverages the personlization feature in Magnolia.

You should be familiar with Personalization before continuing.

Security considerations

You should use the Segment CDP extension to encapsulate rest-based calls of a frontend to third party systems through Magnolia. This way passwords and other critical security information are hidden the browser.

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:



The configuration consists of two parts:

  • A Rest Endpoint that can be called from the desired frontend

  • A Rest Client that controls the call to the third party system.

Rest Endpoint

restClientName: <restClientName>
restCallName: <restClientMethodName>

Rest Client

baseUrl: <URL to the external Service>
    $type: basic
    username: <username to the third party system>
    password: ''
    method: get
    path: /<path of the method>/${idProperty}
    securityScheme: b1

Frontend call example

await fetch('/.rest/<restClientName>', {
    method: 'POST', (1)
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: `{"idProperty":"${idProperty}"}`
1 The Rest Client can be both GET and POST, but the Rest Endpoint must be called with POST.


Here, we provide some basic examples of using the CDP integration framework.

Create a content variant

The variant can be configured completely differently in terms of copy or images.

  1. On your desired page, click the Component you want to edit.

    add component variant

  2. Click Edit component and change something to create a component variant.

    add component variant dialog


In the example here, we are choosing a different image for the particular component.

For more on components in Magnolia, see Editing pages.

Choose the variant audience

  1. Select the variant you just created, and click Choose audience.

    choose audience segment

  2. Define your audience and select the traits. Here, you’ll see traits that are taken directly from Segment. Cool, huh?

    choose audience segment traits





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