CTSX Instant Translation
Content management Incubator Version 4.1.1 Magnolia 6.3 compatible
The CTSX Instant Translation module adds option (functionality) for instant translation of page/area/component.
Installing with Maven
Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:
In order to be able to use instant translation actions, please make sure that the core and apps modules in the Content Translation Extended have already been installed. |
There is no need of extra configuration for this module to function properly. The only thing that this module requires is setting a default translator (defaultFlag set to "true").
Instant translation actions in the magnolia’s action bar will be shown automatically (no need of extra configuration).

Please note that "instant translation actions" in magnolia’s action bar, translate the component/area/page and save translated content in the JCR. |
In case there is no need to save translated content in JCR automatically, you can configure "instant translation action" on dialog level.

To add "instant translation" secondary action to dialog definition you need to update, dialog’s actions definitions:
commit: $type: commitAction cancel: $type: closeAction instantTranslation: name: instantTranslation $type: instantTranslationDialogAction label: "Instant translation"
and also dialog’s footer layout definition:
$type: defaultEditorActionLayout primaryActions: - commit - cancel secondaryActions: - localeSelector - instantTranslation
So dialog definition should look like this:
form: properties: headlineLevel: $type: comboBoxField defaultValue: small datasource: $type: optionListDatasource options: - name: big value: big - name: medium value: medium - name: small value: small headline: $type: textField i18n: true text: class: info.magnolia.dam.app.field.DamRichTextFieldDefinition i18n: true image: $type: damLinkField imagePosition: $type: comboBoxField defaultValue: below datasource: $type: optionListDatasource options: - name: above value: above - name: below value: below imageAltText: $type: textField i18n: true imageTitle: $type: textField i18n: true imageCaption: $type: textField i18n: true imageCredit: $type: textField i18n: true layout: $type: tabbedLayout tabs: - name: tabText fields: - name: headlineLevel - name: headline - name: text - name: tabImage fields: - name: image - name: imagePosition - name: imageAltText - name: imageTitle - name: imageCaption - name: imageCredit actions: commit: $type: commitAction cancel: $type: closeAction instantTranslation: name: instantTranslation $type: instantTranslationDialogAction label: "Instant translation" footerLayout: $type: defaultEditorActionLayout primaryActions: - commit - cancel secondaryActions: - localeSelector - instantTranslation
Configuration on content app
In the content app definition, the configuration would look like this:
editor: class: info.magnolia.ui.contentapp.detail.DetailDescriptor subAppClass: info.magnolia.editor.app.ContentEditorDetailSubApp footerLayout: $type: contentEditorActionLayout actions: close: class: info.magnolia.editor.action.CloseContentEditorActionDefinition instantTranslation: label: "instant translation" $type: instantTranslationDialogAction availability: rules: isNotDefaultLocale: class: info.magnolia.editor.action.availability.IsNotDefaultLocaleRuleDefinition ..... footerLayout: $type: defaultContentEditorActionLayout primaryActions: - save - saveAndPublish - close secondaryActions: - localeSelector - instantTranslation - copyContent