Start or augment a global publication freeze

Returns the status of the global publication freeze.



Returns the status of the freeze request with:

  • freezeState - if a global freeze is currently in place, normally true, but may return false if an error occurred

  • freezeCount - the freeze count, the number of freeze requests currently active, should be 1 or more, will be 0 if an error occurred

Returns an HTTP status of: - 200 - the global publication freeze was started

You can request more than one global publication freeze at the same time. This will increase the "freezeCount" result returned (see below). Multiple freeze requests can be stopped by:
  • the toggle command immediately stops all freeze requests

  • the stop command with the force parameter: immediately stops all freeze requests

  • the stop command will stop one freeze request, the same number of stop requests as start requests must be sent to stop a global publication freeze

Stop or decrement a global publication freeze

Returns the status of the global publication freeze.

  • If force = false and multiple publication freezes have been requested, stop will decrement the freezeCount returned and the global publication freeze will remain in place.

  • If force = true and multiple publication freezes have been requested, stop will end the global publication freeze.



Returns the status of the freeze request with:

  • freezeState - false if a global freeze is currently in place, true if a global freeze is still active

  • freezeCount - the freeze count, the number of freeze requests currently active, 0 if no freeze is active, 1 or more if still active Returns an HTTP status of:

200 - the global publication freeze was modified or stopped


Parameter Description Type Data type


optional, default is false.

Stops any ongoing global publication freeze regardless of the number for freeze requests.



Start or stop a global publication freeze

Returns the status of the global publication freeze.

  • If a global publication freeze is active, the freeze will be stopped.

  • If a global publication freeze is not active, a freeze will be started.



Returns the status of the freeze request with:

  • freezeState - true, if a global freeze was started, false if a global freeze has been stopped

  • freezeCount - the freeze count, the number of freeze requests currently active, 1 if a global freeze was started, will be 0 if a global freeze was stopped Returns an HTTP status of:

200 - the global publication freeze was started or stopped





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