Extended S3 connector

The Hybrid Assets module adds a number of actions to the Assets app for transferring content to external storage and returning hybrid asset content to be stored in Magnolia.

If your content is already stored outside of Magnolia, you can also create a hybrid asset linked to it.

Open the Assets app and select a folder, the Hybrid Assets module adds a new action:

link external content

link asset dialog

The first field - "Content" - is for entering the storage URL of your new hybrid asset. You can type in the storage URL yourself, but clicking on the Select button will bring up an asset chooser:

s3 asset chooser

You can navigate through the S3 buckets and directories and pick the content you want to link to your hybrid asset and its storage URL will be entered into the Content field.
  • Magnolia 6.2

  • Magnolia 5.7

External Dam S3 connector

The AWS credentials are configured in the Passwords app.

Multiple S3 Credentials

The Amazon S3 Connector uses only one set of AWS credentials to access S3. If you have more than one external content stores, or have multiple AWS credentials or want to control what content a user sees in the S3 asset chooser, you can use the Extended Amazon S3 Connector to manage different AWS credentials and associate users with each defined credential.


Maven is the easiest way to add the Extended Amazon S3 Connector to your bundle:

Configuring multiple S3 Credentials

AWS credentials are configured in the Configuration > /modules/amazon-s3-connector.

Each set of AWS credentials can be configured with the following properties:

Property Description



Must be info.magnolia.amazon.s3.dam.AmazonS3Credentials.

The reference mapping class must implement the interface info.magnolia.dam.hybrid.mapping.ReferenceMapping if you wish to implement your own reference mapping.



A VoterSet defining one or more Voters. The voters will determine if the credentials will be used to access AWS S3 or compatible storage for a given user.

You can use RoleBaseVoter to check if a user has one or more roles needed to use the credentials.


optional, default is true

If false, the credentials will not be used.



The access key for AWS S3 or compatible storage.



The secret key for AWS S3 or compatible storage.


optional, uses the AWS S3 or compatible default region

The region.


optional, required if using AWS S3 or compatible storage

The endpoint for access S3 or compatible storage.





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