Incubator modules

This page serves as a springboard to the individual incubator modules. Incubator modules are extensions built by Magnolia and supported by our Professional Services department.

Incubator modules are developed and supported by Magnolia Professional Services. They have typically been developed in close collaboration with customers to meet requirements not covered by the core product. Now you can benefit from these useful features in your projects as well. However, you must assume some risk as the modules have not been through a rigid development process.

General information

  • Licensing

  • Support

  • Issues

Only available to Magnolia Enterprise customers.

Our MLA is friendly and includes access to the source code. All extensions are covered by this agreement.

See also the GPL.

Incubator modules are supported by the Magnolia Professional Services team. It is crucial to be aware that incubator modules supported by Magnolia Professional Services are based on commercially reasonable efforts only, meaning the team is not bound to fix any bug or issue right away. The estimated completion time could be defined, but no guarantee is made.

Please, open a ticket in the appropriate Jira project.





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Main doc sections

DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules