Insights Accelerator module

Customer data Incubator Version Magnolia 6.3 compatible

The *Insights Accelerator module provides you with a powerful AI-driven tool to gain a deeper understanding of your user journeys with Magnolia 6.2 or Magnolia 6.3. Utilize the power of AI to gather deeper insights and create more accurate customer segments based on behavior, preferences, and interaction history. Enable more precise and personalized targeting by identifying the best moments and strategies to engage visitors.

This module captures behavioral data from site visitors, offering insights into their likely goals and next-best actions. Magnolia’s Personalization capabilities allow you to transform these insights into actions, delivering a more tailored experience for your visitors.

Leverage this user journey insight to refine and optimize campaigns at each stage of the marketing funnel, resulting in more effective engagement.

Key Features

  • Visitor data storage: Tracks anonymous and known visitors.

  • Behavioral targeting: Captures visitor "Interests."

  • AI-powered auto-tagging: Automatically tags content based on AI-determined topics.

  • Visitor profiling & segmentation: AI-driven visitor descriptions and segment recommendations.

  • Insights dashboard: Visualize and analyze visitor interests and behaviors.

  • Data export: Export user data for external campaigns.


  • You must have the AI Accelerator module installed.

  • You must have an external database such as PostgreSQL or H2 for local development.

    Ensure the required JDBC driver (PostgreSQL or H2) is part of your web application.

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:

  • Magnolia 6.3

  • Magnolia 6.2



You must configure your database connection using environment variables. The necessary tables will be automatically created on first startup.

You can also create them manually if needed.
  • PostgreSQL

  • H2 (local development)



This section introduces how to use the module.

Page tagging

To enable tagging in your page dialog templates, add fields like: * excludeRecentlyViewed, * topics: for manual tagging * useAITagging: for automatic AI-based tagging.

This allows you to assign and manage tags for visitor behavior tracking.

Templating functions

These functions let you integrate visitor data into your site’s templates:

  • recordPageVisit: Logs a visit to the current page.

  • recordInterests: Captures visitor interests based on their interaction with content.

  • getVisitor: Retrieves the current visitor’s profile, including known data and interests.

Insights dashboard

The dashboard offers an overview of visitor activity and preferences:

  • Interests summary: Overview of visitor interests for content optimization.

  • Individual insights: Analyze specific visitor behavior and motivations.

  • AI-powered insights: Use AI to summarize and describe visitor personas.


Version Notes

Initial release of the module for Magnolia 6.3 compatibility.

Initial release of the module for Magnolia 6.2 compatibility.


  • Reporting on visitor interests and the ability to export user lists based on interests.

  • Integrating with external data for deeper visitor profiling.

  • Continually improving deeper compliance for GDPR/CPRA with automatic data cleansing.


Contact tbscg for support and consultancy for the Insights Accelerator module.


DX Core



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DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules