Instrumentation dashboards
This page provides a preview into Grafana Instrumentation dashboards.
These dashboards are updated frequently, so they aren’t described in detail and the documentation may not reflect their current state. |
Magnolia: About
- This dashboard
visualizes details about the Magnolia server.
Displays details from a selected Magnolia server:
the operating system and its version
the JVM vendor and version
the web app container and version
the Java Servlet API version
the Magnolia core version
the JCR repository and version
the repositories home directory
Magnolia instance type: public or author

Magnolia: Cache
- This dashboard
visualizes results of cache probes.
Displays cache usage details from a selected Magnolia server:
cache flush rate
cache hits breakdown
top cache hits over time
top cache hits by path over time
cache operations over time
cache puts over time
cache flushes over time
cache flush rate over time

Magnolia: Filter Chain
- This dashboard
visualizes results of filter chain probes.
Displays timings of the Magnolia filter chain from a selected Magnolia server:
filter chain execution time distribution
filter chain execution time heatmap
average/min/max filter chain execution time

Magnolia: JVM
- This dashboard
visualizes results of JVM probes.
Displays details of the JVM running a selected Magnolia server:
deadlocked threads warning
starting heap size
current heap size
max heap size
heap usage gauge
garbage collection rate gauge
garbage collection time gauge
heap usage over time
memory pool usage over time
thread usage over time
garbage collection execution time
garbage collection executions over time

Magnolia: Logging
- This dashboard
visualizes results of logging probes.
Displays details about logging messages from a selected Magnolia server:
message source breakdown
error messages over time
messages by level over time
message sources over time
labeled messages over time

Magnolia: Rendering
- This dashboard
visualizes results of rendering probes.
Displays details about the rendering times from a selected Magnolia server:
rendering times breakdown for pages, areas, and components
rendering times breakdown for page, area and component templates
total rendering times over time
individual rendering times over time
individual rendering times table
page rendering times over time
page rendering times table
area rendering times over time
area rendering times table
component rendering times over time
component rendering times table

Magnolia: System
- This dashboard
visualizes results of system probes.
Displays details about the system environment from a selected Magnolia server:
System environment properties table
System properties table

Magnolia: Versions
- This dashboard
visualizes results of modules probes.
Displays details about installed Magnolia modules from a selected Magnolia server:
JVM version display
JVM details display
Magnolia core version display
Selected Magnolia module version display
Magnolia module versions table

OS: Metrics
- This dashboard
visualizes runtime metrics of JVM probes.
Displays details about the process running a selected Magnolia server:
JVM running time display
available processors display
CPU time usage gauge
change in average system load gauge
CPU time over time
average system load over time

OS: Metrics (alternate)
- This dashboard
visualizes runtime metrics of JVM probes.
Displays details about the process running a selected Magnolia server:
JVM running time display
JVM version display
available processors display
Total OS swap space gauge
current average system load display
physical memory display
average system load change gauge
physical memory used gauge
current open file count display
open file percent gauge

Tomcat: Health
- This dashboard
visualizes Tomcat metrics obtained through JMX probes.
Displays details about the Tomcat container running a selected Magnolia server:
used percent of threads gauge
used percent of threads over time
request rate gauge
request rate over time
used percent of connections gauge
used percent of connections over time