CLI Angular prototypes

This package can be used for Angular projects.

Package name


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Prototypes in the package

For more details, click the prototype name.

Example usage

To see how to set and use the @magnolia/cli-angular-prototypes, you can jumpstart a project based on the headless/angular-demo/ce template.

  1. Jumpstart a new project based on the template.

    npx @magnolia/cli jumpstart -t "headless/angular-demo/ce"

    The command downloads and creates a new project.

    The mgnl.config.js file created:

    import CreatePagePlugin from "@magnolia/cli-create-page-plugin";
    import CreateComponentPlugin from "@magnolia/cli-create-component-plugin";
    export default {
      plugins: [
        new CreatePagePlugin({
          pagesSpaPath: './spa/angular-minimal/src/app/pages',
          framework: '@magnolia/cli-angular-prototypes@1', (1)
          prototype: 'basic', (2)
          templateArgs: {
            removeExtension: true, (3)
            namedImport: true (4)
        new CreateComponentPlugin({
          componentsSpaPath: './spa/angular-minimal/src/app/components',
          framework: '@magnolia/cli-angular-prototypes@1', (1)
          prototype: 'basic', (2)
          templateArgs: {
            removeExtension: true, (3)
            namedImport: true (4)
      type: "ts",
      lightModulesPath: "./magnolia/light-modules",
      lightModule: "angular-minimal-lm",
      componentMappingFilePath: "./spa/angular-minimal/src/magnolia.config.ts"
    1 The framework prototypes package.
    2 The prototype available in the framework prototypes package chosen.
    3 Removes the extension in import strings.
    4 Uses named imports instead of default.
  2. Create a new page.

    npm run mgnl -- create-page main
  3. Files created:

    • /<project-path>/magnolia/light-modules/angular-minimal-lm/dialogs/pages/main.yaml

      Click to expand or collapse

      label: Page Properties
            label: Title
            $type: textField
            i18n: true
    • /<project-path>/magnolia/light-modules/angular-minimal-lm/templates/pages/main.yaml

      Click to expand or collapse

      title: main
      baseUrl: http://localhost:4200
      routeTemplate: "/{language}{{@path}}"
      # templateScript: /angular-minimal-lm/webresources/build/index.html
      dialog: angular-minimal-lm:pages/main
      renderType: spa
          title: Main Area
          title: Extras Area
    • /<project-path>/spa/angular-minimal/src/app/pages/main.component.ts

      Click to expand or collapse

      import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
      import { RouterLink } from '@angular/router';
      import { EditableArea } from '@magnolia/angular-editor';
        template: `
          <div class="main">
              <div>[main Page]</div>
              <h1>{{title || metadata['@name']}}</h1>
                  <div>[Main Area]</div>
                  <div editable-area  [content]="main" [parentTemplateId]="metadata['mgnl:template']"></div>
        styles: [``],
        standalone: true,
        imports: [EditableArea, RouterLink]
      export class main {
        @Input() title: any;
        @Input() main: any;
        @Input() extras: any;
        @Input() metadata: any;
  4. The modified file with the componentMapping object:

    • /<project-path>/spa/angular-minimal/src/magnolia.config.ts

      Click to expand or collapse

      import { main as mainPage } from './app/pages/main.component'
      export const config = {
          'componentMapping': {
            "angular-minimal-lm:pages/main": mainPage
  5. Create a new component and make it available in the main page create before.

    npm run mgnl -- create-component hero -a main
  6. Files created:

    • /<project-path>/magnolia/light-modules/angular-minimal-lm/dialogs/components/hero.yaml

      Click to expand or collapse

      label: hero
            label: hero Text
            $type: textField
            i18n: true
    • /<project-path>/magnolia/light-modules/angular-minimal-lm/templates/components/hero.yaml

      Click to expand or collapse

      title: hero
      dialog: angular-minimal-lm:components/hero
    • /<project-path>/spa/angular-minimal/src/app/components/hero.component.ts

      Click to expand or collapse

      import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
        template: `
          <h2>{{ text }}</h2>
        styles: [``],
        standalone: true
      export class hero {
        @Input() text: any;
  7. The modified main page file:

    • /<project-path>/magnolia/light-modules/angular-minimal-lm/templates/pages/main.yaml

      Click to expand or collapse

          title: Main Area
              id: angular-minimal-lm:components/hero
  8. The modified file with the componentMapping object:

    • /<project-path>/spa/angular-minimal/src/magnolia.config.ts

      Click to expand or collapse

      import { hero as heroComponent } from './app/components/hero.component'
      export const config = {
          'componentMapping': {
            "angular-minimal-lm:components/hero": heroComponent

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