Creating custom prototypes

This page describes how you can create custom CLI framework prototypes.

PrototypeHelper class

The PrototypeHelper class is responsible for the process of creation of a component or page based on a framework prototype. It can be customized through the config.js file in the prototype directory.

Key class properties

  • options: IPrototypeHelperOptions: Options passed by the user and other arguments provided by the plugin.

    • context: Specifies "components" or "pages".

    • framework: Name or path of the framework used.

    • frameworkFolder: Directory path where the downloaded framework is stored.

    • lightModulePath: Path to the project’s light module folder.

    • prototype: Prototype name or a boolean flag indicating that user input is required.

    • type: Component or page type (for example, js, ts).

      The prototype must contain a template of the chosen type.
    • componentMappingFilePath: Path to a file containing the componentMapping or componentMappings property, where the new component or page will be registered.

    • spaPath: Destination path for the new component or page.

    • templateData: Optional key-value pairs containing additional Handlebars data, provided by the user in mgnl.config.js, to be merged with this.templateData.

    • templateArgs: Optional key-value pairs modifying the behavior of the PrototypeHelper, provided by the user in mgnl.config.js, to be merged with this.templateArgs.

  • templateData: ITemplateData: Key-value pairs containing additional Handlebars data used in component or page creation. It’s possible to provide additional values in the config.js file. The default key-value pairs are:

    • name: Name provided by the user.

    • exportName: Same as name, but can be modified in config.js.

    • lightModuleName: Derived from the options.lightModulePath property.

    • magnoliaHost: Default is http://localhost:8080, can be used in prototypes to point to a resource stored on the server.

    • templateScript: Path to the template script. The default value is /${lightModuleName}/templates/${options.context}/${name}.ftl (FreeMarker only).

    • modelName: Camelcased and capitalized version of the name (FreeMarker only).

    • lightDevModuleFolder: Camelcased and capitalized version of the name (FreeMarker only).

    • dialog: A combination of lightModuleName, options.context, and name. For example ${lightModuleName}:${options.context}/${name}.

      The property can differ based on the light module folder. The correct value is determined in the start function after async getPathToPrototypeLM(pathToPrototype: string): Promise<string> is called. Consider dialog as a reserved key that’s not to be modified.
    • package: Contains package.json data for headless frameworks.

      The property is available only for headless frameworks (containing the spa folder). The value is determined in the start function after async getPathToPrototypeSPA(pathToPrototype: string): Promise<string> is called. Consider package as a reserved key.
  • templateArgs: ITemplateArgs: Arguments that modify PrototypeHelper behavior.

    • useDefaultLightModuleTemplate: Indicates the use of a default light module template if the frameworks prototype doesn’t provide its own custom light module template. If set to false, the prototype must provide a custom light module template folder. Default is true.

    • removeExtension: Removes file extensions from the import strings in mappings. Default is false.

    • namedImport: Uses named imports if set to true. Default is false.

    • importSource: Specifies which file to use as the import source.

  • preparedComponent: IPreparedComponentItem[]: Details of processed prototype files.

    • srcPath: Source path in the prototype folder.

    • destPath: Destination path for the created component.

    • hbDestPath: Handlebars-processed destination path.

    • content: Raw content of the file.

    • hbContent: Handlebars-processed content.

  • configUpdates: any: Object for properties to be added to mgnl.config.js.

Key class methods

  • async loadPrototypeConfigFile(pathToPrototype: string): Promise<void>

  • async loadTemplateDataAndArgsFromOptions(): Promise<void>

  • async getPathToPrototype(): Promise<string>

  • async getPathToPrototypeLM(pathToPrototype: string): Promise<string>

  • async getCorrectDialogValue(pathToPrototypeLM: string): Promise<string>

  • async validateHeadlessOptions(): Promise<void>

  • async getPathToPrototypeSPA(pathToPrototype: string): Promise<string>

  • async getProjectPJ(): Promise<any>

  • async prepareComponentFromPrototype(prototypeTemplatePath: string, componentDestinationPath: string): Promise<void>

  • async getMissingPlaceholders(fileContent: string): Promise<void>

  • async preventDuplicates(): Promise<void>

  • async create(): Promise<void>

  • async buildMappingObject(): Promise<string>

  • async buildImportObject(): Promise<string>

  • async getImportString(name: string, source: string): Promise<string>

  • async getMappingString(name: string, source: string): Promise<string>

  • async promptForPotentialDuplicity(item: { first: string | undefined, second: string | undefined }, condition: boolean, stringBuilder: (arg1: string, arg2: string) ⇒ Promise<string>, expectedString: string, msgConfig: {type: 'import' | 'mapping', first: string, second: string}): Promise<string>

  • async getAndValidateImportString(componentMappingFileContent: string, importObj: { name: string, source: string }): Promise<string>

  • async getAndValidateMappingString(match: RegExpMatchArray | null, mappingObj: { id: string, name: string, postfix: string }): Promise<string>

  • async promptUser(msg: string): Promise<boolean>

  • async writeComponentMapping(importObj: {name: string, source: string}, mappingObj: { id: string, name: string, postfix: string }): Promise<void>

For more information about the properties and methods, see prototype-helper.ts and the example below.


Following example can also be found in git.

Let’s assume you want to create custom _default and complex prototypes of components and pages. The folder with the prototypes should look like this:

├── package.json (1)
├── components/
│ └── _default/
│   └── ...
│ └── complex/
│   └── ...
├── pages/
│ └── _default/
│   └── ...
│ └── complex/
│   └── ...
1 The package.json file is not required.


Create the package.json file if:

  • you need to store the project in an npm repository, or

  • you want to use the PrototypeHelper class (from the @magnolia/cli-template-helper package) to test your prototypes.

  "name": "cli-example-prototypes",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Example components and pages prototypes for @magnolia/cli-create-component-plugin and @magnolia/cli-create-page-plugin",
  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "node --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@jest/globals": "^29.7.0",
    "@magnolia/cli-template-helper": "preview",
    "@types/fs-extra": "^11.0.4",
    "fs-extra": "^11.2.0",
    "jest": "^29.7.0"

Otherwise, you can only create the components and pages folders.

Component prototypes

"_default" component prototype

├── components/
│ └── _default/
│   └── spa/
│     └── js/
│       └── {{name}}.js.hbs
│     └── jsx/
│       └── {{name}}.jsx.hbs
│     └── tsx/
│       └── {{name}}.tsx.hbs
├── ...

Create the following files with the content shown below:

  • components/_default/spa/js/{{name}}.js.hbs

  • components/_default/spa/jsx/{{name}}.jsx.hbs

    import React from 'react';
    const {{name}} = props => <h2>{props.text}</h2>;
    export default {{exportName}};
  • components/_default/spa/tsx/{{name}}.tsx.hbs

    import React from 'react';
    interface I{{name}}Props {
      text: string;
    const {{name}} = (props: I{{name}}Props) => <h2>{props.text}</h2>;
    export default {{exportName}};

"complex" component prototype

├── components/
│ └── complex/
│   └── light-module/
│   │ └── dialogs/
│   │  │ └── components/
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.yaml.hbs
│   │  └── templates/
│   │    └── components/
│   │      └── {{name}}.yaml.hbs
│   └── spa/
│   │  └── js/
│   │  │ └── {{name}}/
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.js.hbs
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.stories.js.hbs
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.model.js.hbs
│   │  └── jsx/
│   │  │ └── {{name}}/
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.jsx.hbs
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.stories.jsx.hbs
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.model.js.hbs
│   │  └── tsx/
│   │    └── {{name}}/
│   │      └── {{name}}.tsx.hbs
│   │      └── {{name}}.stories.tsx.hbs
│   │      └── {{name}}.model.ts.hbs
│   └── config.js
├── ...

Create the following files the content shown below:

  • components/complex/light-module/dialogs/components/{{name}}.yaml.hbs

    label: {{name}}
          label: title
          $type: textField
          i18n: true
          label: description
          $type: textField
          i18n: true
          label: image
          $type: damLinkField
  • components/complex/light-module/templates/components/{{name}}.yaml.hbs

    title: {{name}}
    dialog: {{dialog}}
  • components/complex/spa/js/{{name}}/{{name}}.stories.js

  • components/complex/spa/jsx/{{name}}/{{name}}.stories.jsx

    import React from 'react';
    import {{name}} from './{{name}}';
    import { {{name}}Model } from './{{name}}.model';
    export default {
      title: '{{name}}',
      component: {{name}},
    const Template = (args) => <{{name}} {...args} />;
    export const Default = Template.bind({});
    Default.args = new {{name}}Model('Title text', 'Description text', {"@link": "Add link to image here, e.g.: \"/magnoliaAuthor/dam/jcr:7279fb99-094f-452b-ac4c-3b4defb56203\""});
  • components/complex/spa/js/{{name}}/{{name}}.js

  • components/complex/spa/jsx/{{name}}/{{name}}.jsx

    import React from 'react';
    import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
    import { {{name}}Model } from './{{name}}.model';
    import randomImage from '../images/{{name}}.png';
    const {{name}} = ( props ) => {
      return (
          <img src={ '{{magnoliaHost}}' + props.image['@link']} alt="image" />
          <img src={randomImage} alt="randomImage" />
    {{name}}.propTypes = PropTypes.instanceOf({{name}}Model).isRequired;
    export default {{name}};
  • components/complex/spa/js/{{name}}/{{name}}.model.js

  • components/complex/spa/jsx/{{name}}/{{name}}.model.js

    export class {{name}}Model {
      constructor(name, description, image) { = name;
        this.description = description;
        this.image = image;
  • components/complex/spa/tsx/{{name}}/{{name}}.stories.tsx

    import React from 'react';
    import {{name}}, { {{name}}Props } from './{{name}}';
    import { {{name}}Model } from './{{name}}.model';
    import { Story, Meta } from '@storybook/react';
    export default {
        title: '{{name}}',
        component: {{name}},
    } as Meta;
    const Template: Story<{{name}}Props> = (args) => <{{name}} {...args} />;
    export const Default = Template.bind({});
    Default.args = new {{name}}Model('Title text', 'Description text', {"@link": "Add link to image here, e.g.: \"/magnoliaAuthor/dam/jcr:7279fb99-094f-452b-ac4c-3b4defb56203\""});
  • components/complex/spa/tsx/{{name}}/{{name}}.tsx

    import React from 'react';
    import { {{name}}Model } from './{{name}}.model';
    import randomImage from '../images/{{name}}.png';
    const {{name}}: React.FC<{{name}}Model> = ( props ) => {
        return (
                <img src={ '{{magnoliaHost}}' + props.image['@link']} alt="image" />
                <img src={randomImage} alt="randomImage" />
    export default {{name}};
  • components/complex/spa/tsx/{{name}}/{{name}}.model.ts

    export class {{name}}Model {
        name: string;
        description: string;
        image: any;
        constructor(name: string, description: string, image: any) {
   = name;
            this.description = description;
            this.image = image;
  • components/complex/config.js

    // WARNING: requires node v18 and higher to use native fetch function
    import path from "path";
    import * as fs from "fs";
    import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises';
    export function getTemplateArgs() {
        return {
            importSource: `{{name}}.${this.options.type}.hbs`
    export async function create(superCreate) {
        // Call original create from PrototypeHelper class
        // Download random image from and add it to images folder
        try {
            const url = ``;
            const response = await fetch(url);
            if (!response.ok) {
                console.error(`Failed to fetch image: ${response.statusText}`);
            const folderPath = path.join(this.options.spaPath, 'images')
            if (!fs.existsSync(folderPath)) {
                fs.mkdirSync(folderPath, {recursive: true});
            const filePath = path.join(folderPath, `${}.png`);
            const fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(filePath);
            await pipeline(response.body, fileStream);
            console.log(`Image successfully downloaded to: ${filePath}`);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error downloading random image:', error);

    The importSource parameter in the getTemplateArgs function is required to specify which file should be used as the import source in the components mapping file. This specification is crucial because the complex prototype includes multiple files within the spa folder.

Page prototypes

"_default" pages prototype

├── pages/
│ └── _default/
│   └── light-module/
│     └── dialogs/
│       └── pages/
│         └── {{name}}.yaml.hbs
│     └── templates/
│       └── pages/
│         └── {{name}}.yaml.hbs
│   └── spa/
│     └── js/
│       └── {{name}}.js.hbs
│     └── jsx/
│       └── {{name}}.jsx.hbs
│     └── tsx/
│       └── {{name}}.tsx.hbs
├── ...

Create the following files with the content shown below:

  • pages/_default/light-module/dialogs/pages/{{name}}.yaml.hbs file

    label: Page Properties
          label: Title
          $type: textField
          i18n: true
  • pages/_default/light-module/templates/pages/{{name}}.yaml.hbs file

    renderType: spa
    title: {{name}}
    dialog: {{dialog}}
    baseUrl: http://localhost:3000
    routeTemplate: '/{language}\{{@path}}'
    # templateScript: /{{lightModuleName}}/webresources/build/index.html
        title: Main Area
        title: Extras Area
  • pages/_default/spa/js/{{name}}.js.hbs

  • pages/_default/spa/jsx/{{name}}.jsx.hbs

    import React from 'react';
    import { EditableArea } from '@magnolia/react-editor';
    const {{name}} = props => {
      const { main, extras, title } = props;
      return (
        <div className="{{name}}">
          <div>[Basic Page]</div>
          <h1>{title || props.metadata['@name']}</h1>
            <div>[Main Area]</div>
            {main && <EditableArea className="Area" content={main} />}
            <div>[Secondary Area]</div>
            {extras && <EditableArea className="Area" content={extras} />}
    export default {{name}};
  • pages/_default/spa/tsx/{{name}}.tsx.hbs

    import React from 'react';
    // @ts-ignore
    import { EditableArea } from '@magnolia/react-editor';
    interface I{{name}} {
      metadata?: any;
      main?: any;
      extras?: any;
      title?: string;
    const {{name}} = (props: I{{name}}) => {
      const { main, extras, title } = props;
      return (
        <div className="{{name}}">
          <div>[Basic Page]</div>
          <h1>{title || props.metadata['@name']}</h1>
            <div>[Main Area]</div>
            {main && <EditableArea className="Area" content={main} />}
            <div>[Secondary Area]</div>
            {extras && <EditableArea className="Area" content={extras} />}
    export default {{name}};

"complex" pages prototype

├── pages/
│ └── complex/
│   └── light-module/
│   │ └── dialogs/
│   │  │ └── pages/
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.yaml.hbs
│   │  └── templates/
│   │    └── pages/
│   │      └── {{name}}.yaml.hbs
│   └── spa/
│   │  └── js/
│   │  │ └── {{name}}/
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.js.hbs
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.model.js.hbs
│   │  └── jsx/
│   │  │ └── {{name}}/
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.jsx.hbs
│   │  │   └── {{name}}.model.js.hbs
│   │  └── tsx/
│   │    └── {{name}}/
│   │      └── {{name}}.tsx.hbs
│   │      └── {{name}}.model.tsx.hbs
│   └── config.js
├── ...

Create the following files with the content shown below:

  • pages/complex/light-module/dialogs/pages/{{name}}.yaml.hbs

    label: Page Properties
          $type: textField
          i18n: true
          $type: textField
          i18n: true
          $type: textField
          i18n: true
          $type: textField
          rows: 5
          i18n: true
          $type: textField
          rows: 3
          i18n: true
          $type: textField
          rows: 5
          i18n: true
        $type: tabbedLayout
          - name: tabMain
              - name: title
              - name: navigationTitle
              - name: windowTitle
              - name: abstract
          - name: tabMeta
              - name: keywords
              - name: description
  • pages/complex/light-module/templates/pages/{{name}}.yaml.hbs

    renderType: spa
    title: {{name}}
    dialog: {{dialog}}
    baseUrl: http://localhost:3000
    routeTemplate: '/{language}\{{@path}}'
    # templateScript: /{{lightModuleName}}/webresources/build/index.html
        title: Main Area
        title: Extras Area
  • pages/complex/spa/js/{{name}}/{{name}}.js.hbs

  • pages/complex/spa/jsx/{{name}}/{{name}}.jsx.hbs

    import React from 'react';
    import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
    import { EditableArea } from '@magnolia/react-editor';
    import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
    import { {{name}}Model } from './{{name}}.model'
    const {{name}} = props => {
      const { main, extras, title, navigationTitle, description, keywords, abstract } = props;
      return (
        <div className="{{name}}">
            <meta name="description" content={description} />
            <meta name="keywords" content={keywords} />
            <meta name="abstract" content={abstract} />
          <div>[Basic Page]</div>
          <h1>{title || props.metadata['@name']}</h1>
            <div>[Main Area]</div>
            {main && <EditableArea className="Area" content={main} />}
            <div>[Secondary Area]</div>
            {extras && <EditableArea className="Area" content={extras} />}
    {{name}}.propTypes = PropTypes.instanceOf({{name}}Model).isRequired;
    export default {{name}};
  • pages/complex/spa/js/{{name}}/{{name}}.js.hbs

  • pages/complex/spa/jsx/{{name}}/{{name}}.jsx.hbs

    export class {{name}}Model {
      constructor(metadata, main, extras, title, navigationTitle, windowTitle, abstract, keywords, description) {
        this.metadata = metadata;
        this.main = main;
        this.extras = extras;
        this.title = title;
        this.navigationTitle = navigationTitle;
        this.windowTitle = windowTitle;
        this.abstract = abstract;
        this.keywords = keywords;
        this.description = description;
  • pages/complex/spa/tsx/{{name}}/{{name}}.tsx.hbs

    import React from 'react';
    import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
    import { EditableArea } from '@magnolia/react-editor';
    import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
    import { {{name}}Model } from './{{name}}.model'
    const {{name}} = props => {
      const { main, extras, title, navigationTitle, description, keywords, abstract } = props;
      return (
        <div className="{{name}}">
            <meta name="description" content={description} />
            <meta name="keywords" content={keywords} />
            <meta name="abstract" content={abstract} />
          <div>[Basic Page]</div>
          <h1>{title || props.metadata['@name']}</h1>
            <div>[Main Area]</div>
            {main && <EditableArea className="Area" content={main} />}
            <div>[Secondary Area]</div>
            {extras && <EditableArea className="Area" content={extras} />}
    {{name}}.propTypes = PropTypes.instanceOf({{name}}Model).isRequired;
    export default {{name}};
  • pages/complex/spa/tsx/{{name}}/{{name}}.model.ts.hbs file

    export class testPageModel {
      constructor(metadata: any, main: any, extras: any, title: string, navigationTitle: string, windowTitle: string, abstract: string, keywords: string, description: string) {
        this.metadata = metadata;
        this.main = main;
        this.extras = extras;
        this.title = title;
        this.navigationTitle = navigationTitle;
        this.windowTitle = windowTitle;
        this.abstract = abstract;
        this.keywords = keywords;
        this.description = description;
  • complex/spa/config.js.hbs

    export function getTemplateArgs() {
        return {
            importSource: `{{name}}.${this.options.type}.hbs`

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