Create Content Type plugin

A plugin to create a content type in a light module.

Package name


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Magnolia CLI create content type plugin - latest version tag

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The plugin doesn’t come pre-installed with Magnolia CLI. You must add it to the mgnl.config.js project file.

The plugin is installed automatically by the Jumpstart plugin if it is defined in a project template.

With add-plugin

Run the following command in the project folder.

npm run mgnl -- add-plugin @magnolia/cli-create-content-type-plugin

The command automatically downloads, installs, and registers the plugin in mgnl.config.js.


  1. Run the following command in the project folder.

    npm install @magnolia/cli-create-content-type-plugin
  2. Modify the mgnl.config.js file accordingly.

    import CreateContentTypePlugin from "@magnolia/cli-create-content-type-plugin";
    export default {
      plugins: [
        new CreateContentTypePlugin()



create-content-type <name> [options]


Form (short and long) Description

-a [name]

--app [name]

Configure a content app and an associated workspace by creating a new app or choosing an existing one.

We recommended using plural form for the name.

-lm [name]

--light-module [name]

Sets a light module for the content type. By default, the name is the directory specified in the mgnl.config.js file.

-pd <path>

--prototype-dir <path>

Use the specified path to the custom prototype templates directory as the prototype source for content type creation.

-p [name]

--prototype [name]

Selects a prototype for content type creation.



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In the following examples, assume that the mgnl.config.js file looks like this:

import CreateContentTypePlugin from "@magnolia/cli-create-content-type-plugin";

export default {
  plugins: [
    new CreateContentTypePlugin()

For more information, see Configuring plugins.

Create a new content type

npm run mgnl -- create-content-type "my-ct"

This command creates a new content type called my-ct based on the _default prototype.

The plugin will prompt you to:

  • Choose a directory containing all light modules.

  • Choose a light module directory where the new content type will be created.

The plugin writes the following properties to the mgnl.config.js file:

  • Global

    • lightModulesPath

  • Plugin

    • lightModule

Create a new content type with a specific app

npm run mgnl -- create-content-type "my-ct" --app "my-app"

This command creates a new content type called my-ct based on the _default prototype with the my-ct content type.

The plugin will prompt you to:

  • Choose a directory containing all light modules.

  • Choose a light module directory where the new content type will be created.

If the my-app app doesn’t exist in the light module directory, it is created automatically.

The plugin writes the following properties to the mgnl.config.js file:

  • Global

    • lightModulesPath

  • Plugin

    • lightModule

Create a new content type in a specific light module

npm run mgnl -- create-content-type "my-ct" --light-module "my-lm"

This command creates a new content type called my-ct based on the _default prototype in the my-lm light module.

The plugin will prompt you to choose a directory containing all light modules.

If the my-lm light module doesn’t exist in the light modules directory, the plugin will prompt you to select another one.

The plugin writes the following properties to the mgnl.config.js file:

  • Global

    • lightModulesPath

  • Plugin

    • lightModule

Create a new content type based on a prototype from a custom prototypes directory

npm run mgnl -- create-content-type "my-ct" --prototype-dir "/path/to/custom-prototypes-dir/app-content-type"

This command creates a new content type called my-ct based on the _default prototype from /path/to/custom-prototypes-dir/app-content-type.

The plugin will prompt you to:

  • Choose a directory containing all light modules.

  • Choose a light module directory where the new content type will be created.

If the _default prototype is not present in the custom prototypes directory, it will prompt you to choose another prototype.

The plugin writes the following properties to the mgnl.config.js file:

  • Global

    • lightModulesPath

  • Plugin

    • lightModule

    • prototypeDir

    • prototype

The structure of the custom-prototypes directory can look like this:

  └── app-content-type/
    └── _default/
      └── {{app-name}}.yaml
      └── {{content-type-name}}.yaml
    └── my-first-prototype/
      └── {{app-name}}.yaml
      └── {{content-type-name}}.yaml
    └── my-second-prototype/
      └── {{app-name}}.yaml
      └── {{content-type-name}}.yaml

To use the custom my-second-prototype, run:

npm run mgnl -- create-content-type "my-ct" --prototype-dir "/path/to/custom-prototypes-dir/app-content-type" --prototype "my-second-prototype"

Create a new content type based on a specific prototype

npm run mgnl -- create-content-type "my-ct" --prototype "custom-prototype-name"

This command creates a new content type called my-ct based on the custom-prototype-name prototype.

The plugin will prompt you to:

  • Choose a directory containing all light modules.

  • Choose a light module directory where the new content type will be created.

If the custom-prototype-name prototype is not present, it will prompt you to choose another prototype.

The Create Content Type plugin only contains the _default prototype.

To choose a custom prototype from the custom prototypes directory, use the --prototype with --prototype-dir option.

The plugin writes the following properties to the mgnl.config.js file:

  • Global

    • lightModulesPath

  • Plugin

    • lightModule

    • prototype


You can set the following properties in mgnl.config.js to predefine the plugin’s behavior.

Global properties

Property name Description


The path to a directory containing all light modules.


The name of a light module where the content type will be created.

Alternative forms: -lm [name], --light-module [name]

Plugin properties

Property name Description


The name of a light module where the content type will be created.

Alternative forms: -lm [name], --light-module [name]


The path to a custom prototypes directory.

Alternative forms: -pd <path>, --prototype-dir <path>


The name of a prototype.

Alternative forms: -p [name], --prototype [name]

For more information, see Configuring plugins.


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