Jumpstart plugin

A plugin to download and set up a new headless or FreeMarker-based project with a Magnolia webapp.

The plugin is designed to start new projects using predefined templates and bundles. It allows you to choose a template and download the associated bundles while performing the necessary tasks such as authentication, bundle downloading, extraction, and post-command execution.

Package name


Repository link

Latest version

Magnolia CLI jumpstart plugin - latest version tag

Changelog link


This plugin comes pre-installed and ready to be used.

You must install it manually for use in an already initialized project (containing the mgnl.config.js file).



jumpstart [options]


Form (short and long) Description

-m <version>

--magnolia <version>

Sets the Magnolia version for your project. By default, it uses the latest stable version.



Downloads the latest snapshot version of the webapp specified.

-t <name>

--template <name>

Sets a template from the available project templates.

-pt <source>

--project-templates <source>

Specifies the source location to load the project templates from.



Displays the version.



Displays help information.


Jumpstarting a project

npx @magnolia/cli jumpstart

This command will prompt you to choose a template from a list of available templates.

Once you select a template, the CLI will download and configure the project using the latest Magnolia version (or with a version associated with that template).

Jumpstarting a project with a specific Magnolia version

npx @magnolia/cli jumpstart --magnolia "6.2.11"

This command will prompt you to choose a template from a list of available templates.

Once you select a template, the CLI will download and configure the project for Magnolia 6.2.11.

Jumpstarting a project with a snapshot Magnolia version

npx @magnolia/cli jumpstart --snapshot

This command will prompt you to choose a template from a list of available templates.

Once you select a template, the CLI will download and configure the project for use with the latest snapshot Magnolia version.

Jumpstarting a project with a specific template

npx @magnolia/cli jumpstart --template "standard-webapps/magnolia-community-webapp"

This command will use the standard-webapps/magnolia-community-webapp template to download and configure the project for use with the latest Magnolia version.

Jumpstarting a project based on a custom template

npx @magnolia/cli jumpstart --project-templates "./path/to/custom-project-templates.json"

This command will prompt you to choose a template from the ./path/to/custom-project-templates.json file.

Once you select a template, the CLI will download and configure the project for use with the latest Magnolia version (or with a version associated with that template).

In the source option (--project-templates <source>), you can also specify a URL pointing to a JSON file, for example a raw file stored in public Git repository.


The extensions is a functionality in this plugin that allows developers to create a more interactive and automated project setup process, making it easier for the users to set up a new Magnolia project.

Extension YAML configuration file

The plugin searches for the <rootdir>/extensions/extension.yaml file in your project directory:

The file defines the additional prompts and post-command functions which can be helpful for tailoring the plugin’s functionality to specific requirements of your project.

File structure

The YAML file typically contains the following key sections:

  • extend: Specifies a JavaScript file that the extension will tie into for additional logic or configuration.

  • prompts: A series of input prompts to gather the necessary information from the user. Each prompt can specify:

    • type: The type of prompt, such as input for user text input.

    • name: The internal name used to reference the data collected.

    • message: The message displayed to the user during the prompt.

    • default: The default value for the prompt, used if the user provides no input.

  • commands: Actions to be taken after the prompts have been completed, such as:

    • post: Commands to be executed after the setup process. This could involve downloading the dependencies, setting up environment variables, and so on.


extend: ./example.js
  - type: input
    name: clientId
    message: Client ID
    default: clientId_001

  - type: input
    name: organizationId
    message: Organization Id
    default: organizationId_001

  - type: input
    name: siteId
    message: Site Id
    default: siteId_001

    - function: example
      retry: 3
      delay: 1000

Execution flow

Upon project initialization, if an extension file is detected, the Jumpstart plugin executes the following steps:

  1. Input Gathering: It asks the user for input based on the prompts defined in the extension’s YAML file.

  2. Configuration Integration: The plugin retrieves the main package.json file. The responses gathered from the prompts are then added to this configuration object under the answers property.

    This augmented package.json object is then used to automatically populate the corresponding placeholders within your project files.

  3. Post-Command Execution: Each post-command function specified in the YAML file is executed. These functions have access to the prompts object, which contains the user’s responses, allowing the functions to perform tasks that are tailored to the user’s input.

Customization example

After gathering the inputs, a file with placeholders, for instance,

// config.js

export default {
  clientId: <%=answers.siteId%>,
  organizationId: <%=answers.organizationId%>,
  siteId: <%=answers.siteId%>

is transformed into the following:

// config.js

export default {
  clientId: clientId_001,
  organizationId: organizationId_001,
  siteId: siteId_001

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