Testing new plugins

This page describes how you can test newly created Magnolia CLI plugins. After you’ve created a new CLI plugin, you can connect it with the CLI.

Building and packing

  1. Build the plugin. In the folder with your new plugin, run this npm command:

    npm run build
  2. Pack the package.

    npm pack

    You should see the following message:


Add it to a project

With add-plugin

  1. To install the plugin, run the following command in the project folder.

    npm run mgnl add-plugin /Path/to/<plugin_name>-<plugin_version>.tgz

    It will automatically install and register the plugin in mgnl.config.js.


  1. Install the plugin.

    npm install /Path/to/<plugin_name>-<plugin_version>.tgz
  2. Add the new plugin to the mgnl.config.js file.

    import <plugin_class_name> from "<plugin_name>";
    export default {
      plugins: [
        new <plugin_class_name>()

Using the plugin

  1. Check whether the plugin is loaded.

    npm run mgnl -h
  2. Run the new plugin.

    npm run mgnl <plugin_name> -- -plugin-option option-value (1)
    1 For example, npm run mgnl cli-foo-plugin -s — -n "John".

    The following should be displayed:

    Plugin started
    options { name: 'John' }
    Hello John

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