
For developers, the Orchestrate module offers seamless integration with your projects through installation via Maven and straightforward configuration using .yaml files. This allows you to customize task management and campaign workflows to fit your team’s unique processes, while ensuring smooth deployment and scalability across different environments.

Custom views for the App are built with React and added to the App via JavaScript UI module. Charts are created with amCharts 5 and the calendar uses FullCalendar.

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:




You can configure the module through decorating the orchestrate-core config.yaml file.

Decoration path


Task States

Tasks can be assigned states. These states are used in a dropdown in the task dialog and are used to generate the lanes on the board.

  - name: planned (1)
    value: planned (2)
    label: orchestrate-app.planned.label (3)
    doneState: false (4)
  - name: inProgress
    value: inProgress
    label: orchestrate-app.inProgress.label
    doneState: false
  - name: done
    value: done
    label: orchestrate-app.done.label
    doneState: true
1 The name of the element. Needs to be unique in this list.
2 The internal name for this state.
3 The display value for this state. This can be an i18n key.
4 Boolean used internally for some filters to determine if an task is already finished still needs to be finished.

User Realms

The user realm is used for the assignee dropdown and filter. It uses the users from these realms to populate the datasource with a special handling for the SSO realm. The username is the one the User Object holds, which the Usermanager returns.

Current default
  - admin (1)
  - system (2)
  - sso (3)
1 The default realm for users; system is the realm where the superuser and anonymous is saved.
2 Not intended to be a default, but it currently is for better local testing.
3 The SSO user realm.
For SSO, an External User Manager is used, which cannot possibly know all users, so the profiles workspace is used to decode the base64 encoded username.

DX Core



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DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules