User Result Ranker module

The User Result Ranker module sorts the output from JCR and highlights results of interest. Its results are affected by the JCR search indexing configuration. This is because tuning JCR indexes leads to optimized data persistence and enhanced search operations within JCR.


Search results are ranked in the following order:

  1. Last used content

    If you’ve recently searched for something and clicked on a result, that result is prioritized and appears higher up in your search results the next time you perform a search.

  2. Most used content

    If no recent results are found, the system prioritizes content that you’ve interacted with frequently in the past. For example, if you previously clicked on a search result for a page titled Swiss-cheese multiple times, then it’s displayed at the top of the search results when you search for the word 'Swiss'.

  3. User group-based recommendations

    If neither recent nor frequently used content is available, the system considers recommendations from users in your user group (such as the 'editors' group). For example, if other editors have interacted with a page titled Swiss-watch, it’s displayed as the top result when you search for 'Swiss' for the first time.

The metrics collected by the User Result Ranker module are stored in the userranking workspace.

For more information, see Search results ranking.


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