Image recognition

Magnolia image recognition extends the search capabilities of the Find bar by automatically recognizing and tagging the content of image assets, allowing you to get more relevant results when searching.

What’s in an image?

How can Magnolia’s image recognition feature help your content editors? Consider the following example image that depicts the Mount Bromo volcano, a popular tourist attraction in East Java, Indonesia.

Mount Bromo volcano

The image is used as a signature image for the Island hopping in Indonesia example tour in Magnolia’s Travel Demo and is stored as an asset in the dam workspace.

Imagine the editor is at the beginning of the writing process. Only the tour’s title Island hopping in Indonesia has been chosen and now an image with a volcano would be useful to accompany the tour’s description.

  • Would searching for the term volcano in the assets produce a result like this image?

  • What would assist the editor in deciding whether an image is suitable for the story?

Image recognition and tagging

Magnolia’s image recognition feature automatically tags image assets in the dam workspace, helping you obtain a more informed view of the content of each asset stored in the workspace:

mgnl:tags of the image

The tags are then available for use in any other Magnolia content app or your custom content apps (the Assets app is shown below):

Tags shown in Assets app

Integration with Find Bar

Magnolia’s image recognition and tagging make it easy to search for specific images among your assets:

Search results showing tags

Recognition services

The image recognition service used depends on the module you install:

  • Local image recognition uses a custom-built neural network.

  • If you need a more advanced image recognition solution to generate a more refined set of image tags, you can configure the feature to use Amazon Rekognition.

    • In Image Recognition 1.2.6 and later, Magnolia also supports direct image analysis from Amazon S3. This means that if your assets are stored in an S3 bucket, the processing can be done directly in S3 without needing to load the image into memory. This significantly reduces memory consumption, improves performance, and prevents system restarts when handling large images.

      For more information on analyzing images stored in an Amazon S3 bucket, see the AWS Rekognition Documentation.

  • The Image Recognition module can also be configured for use with any other image recognition solution through the ImageRecogniser interface.

When is recognition executed?

The image recognition and tagging action is executed during the startup of the author instance and every time you upload a new image asset.

You can also trigger the action manually in the Assets app by selecting one or more assets and clicking the Run recognition action.

Images that have already been tagged are marked as such using a JCR property called lastTaggingAttemptDate. Executing the manual Run recognition action forces a new tag to be set even if the image was previously tagged.

The image recognition feature is available only on author instances.


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