You can create a working page template instantly with a CLI command called create-page, but we’ll make the first template by hand for educational reasons.
In the following steps, you’ll learn to create:
A CSS-based styling for the page.
A page template script file containing FreeMarker directives. The
directives make it possible to retrieve the content of some parts of the
page from the JCR repository.
A page template definition. This makes the template available to
Magnolia’s authoring system.
A dialog definition. A dialog definition defines the editable page
Create a styling for the page
Create a new css folder in /hello-magnolia/webresources/.
Copy the CSS below and save it as
/hello-magnolia/webresources/css/hello-style.css. We will reference
this stylesheet in a FreeMarker template script.
A template script defines the output,
typically HTML, and is interpreted by a page renderer. The script below uses a templating language called FreeMarker.
Go to the /hello-magnolia/templates/pages/ folder.
In there, create a file called hello.ftl and copy the following content to it:
Line 2: The ${cmsfn.language()} function sets the value of the
lang attributes. This will make sure that the primary language of the
page will be rendered correctly if you decide to localize your web
page(s) into more languages.
Line 4: The [ /] directive adds toolbars and makes the page
properties dialog available. You will create the definition for this
dialog immediately after creating a page template definition.
Line 5: The ${content.windowTitle!content.title!} directive
retrieves the content of the <title> element from the JCR repository.
Line 6: The ${ctx.contextPath} directive creates a reference to the
CSS file. When the page is rendered, we need to know the absolute path
to the CSS resource. This directive ensures that the path to the
resource is full and correct on both the author and the public
Line 11: The ${content.windowTitle!content.title!} directive renders
the first part of the page title dynamically using the content of page
Create a page template definition
A template definition gives the
template a name and makes it available to the system. It also tells the
system which script renders the content.
A dialog defined like this allows content authors to add and edit the values of page properties such as windowTitle and titlefields. The content of these properties is stored in the Magnolia JCR repository.
Provide English labels for dialog fields
Dialog fields and other UI elements can be displayed with labels and
descriptions. For the fields of the page properties dialog, provide the
labels in form of an i18n language bundle.
Go to the /hello-magnolia/i18n/ folder, edit the file with the following content and save it:
hello-magnolia.pages.hello=Page properties
hello-magnolia.pages.hello.windowTitle=Window title
hello-magnolia.components.quotation.citedPerson=Cited personCopy
Lines 1 to 3 define field labels for the Page properties dialog.
Lines 5 to 7 define labels for the fields of the quotation component, which you will create further on.