Magnolia relies on the Apache Jackrabbit JCR API to manage its data, with security handled by JCR.
Important Util classes
info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil. Utility methods to collect data from JCR repository.
info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes. Magnolia-defined node types and their properties and convenience methods.
info.magnolia.jcr.util.PropertyUtil. Property-related utility methods.
info.magnolia.jcr.util.SessionUtil. Session-related utility methods.
. Functions for working with JCR items without catching repository exceptions. -
info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.NodeBuilder. Entry point for using the node builder API. Also see the info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.NodeBuilderTask and info.magnolia.jcr.nodebuilder.task.ModuleNodeBuilderTask classes for usage of the node builder API in info.magnolia.module.ModuleVersionHandler.
info.magnolia.jcr.decoration.ContentDecorator. Applies custom behavior in a graph of JCR objects by wrapping objects. Allows for expressing the logic in a single place.
getCreated(javax.jcr.Node node)
Returns the creation date of a node or null if creation date isn’t set.
getNode(java.lang.String absPath)
. Returns the node at the specified absolute path in the workspace. -
getNodeByIdentifier(java.lang.String id)
Returns the node specified by the given identifier. -
. Validates all pending changes currently recorded in this Session.
Node. Represents a node in the repository.
getNode(java.lang.String relPath)
. Returns the node atrelPath
relative to this node. -
Returns all child nodes of this node accessible through the currentSession
. -
getNodes(java.lang.String namePattern)
Gets all child nodes of this node accessible through the currentSession
that matchnamePattern
. -
getProperty(java.lang.String relPath)
Returns the property at relPath relative to this node. -
setProperty(java.lang.String name, Value value)
Sets the single-value property of this node called name to the specified value.
Property. A
object represents the smallest granularity of content storage.-
info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanProcessor. Transforms nodes to beans or maps. The transformer is use to resolve classes or to instantiate beans.
info.magnolia.jcr.node2bean.Node2BeanTransformer. Contract for transformation from node to java beans.
Accessing a workspace
Access a workspace with
:Session session = MgnlContext.getJCRSession("workspaceName"); Session session = someNode.getSession();
Getting javax.jcr.Node
or javax.jcr.Property
Access a specific node or property with the JCR session:
Node foundNode = session.getNodeByIdentifier("identifier"); Node foundNode = session.getNode("absolutePath"); Property foundProperty = session.getProperty("absolutePath"); Node foundNode = NodeUtil.getNodeByIdentifier("workspaceName", "identifier");
Operations on javax.jcr.Node
Get a node’s name:
String name = someNode.getName(); String name = NodeUtil.getName(someNode);
Get all child nodes together:
NodeIterator childrenIterator = someNode.getNodes(); Iterable<Node> childrenIterable = NodeUtil.asIterable(childrenIterator); List<Node> childrenList = NodeUtil.asList(childrenIterable); Iterable<Node> childrenIterable = NodeUtil.collectAllChildren(someNode); List<Node> childrenList = NodeUtil.asList(childrenIterable);
Get a specific child node by name:
Node childNode = someNode.getNode("relativePath");
Get a node property by name:
Property nodeProperty = someNode.getProperty("relativePath"); Property foundProperty = PropertyUtil.getProperty(someNode, "relativePath");
Get a node’s path:
String pathToNode = someNode.getPath(); String pathToNode = NodeUtil.getNodePathIfPossible(someNode);
Create a property and set its value for a specific node:
someNode.setProperty("propertyName", "propertyValue"); PropertyUtil.setProperty(someNode, "propertyName", "propertyValue");
Create a subnode:
someNode.addNode("relativePath", primaryNodeTypeName); NodeUtil.createPath(parent, "relativePath", primaryNodeTypeName)
Get a session from a node and save changes:
//Get a session from a node and save changes someNode.getSession().save(); //If you already have the session session.save()
Content node metadata
Examples of content node metadata with info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes:
NodeTypes.Activatable.getActivationStatus(node); NodeTypes.Activatable.update(node, "username", isActivated); NodeTypes.Renderable.getTemplate(node); NodeTypes.Renderable.set(node, "template id"); NodeTypes.LastModified.getLastModified(node); NodeTypes.LastModified.update(node); NodeTypes.LastModified.update(node, "username", date);
Operations on javax.jcr.Property
Get a property’s name:
String name = nodeProperty.getName();
Get a property’s path:
String pathToProperty = nodeProperty.getPath();
Get a property’s parent node:
Node parentNode = nodeProperty.getParent();
Get a value from a property:
String stringValue = nodeProperty.getString() Calendar dateValue = nodeProperty.getDate(); Double doubleValue = nodeProperty.getDouble(); Long longValue = nodeProperty.getLong(); Binary forBinaryNodeData = nodeProperty.getBinary(); PropertyUtil.getString(someNode, propertyName); PropertyUtil.getDate(someNode, propertyName); PropertyUtil.getBoolean(someNode, propertyName, defaultValue)
Set the value of a property:
nodeProperty.setValue(booleanValue); nodeProperty.setValue(calendarObject); nodeProperty.setValue(longValue); nodeProperty.setValue(doubleValue); nodeProperty.setValue(intValueWillBeStoredAsLong); nodeProperty.setValue(booleanValue); nodeProperty.setValue(inputStreamForBinary);
Exception-free JCR operations
Use JcrFunctions
to work with JCR items without catching repository exceptions.
Set<Node> parents = getValueContext().get()
Providing a node as ContentMap
to scripts
It is not recommended that you operate in template scripts directly on a
JCR Node.
provides all scripts with any node transformed into
info.magnolia.jcr.util.ContentMap. That way, it is much
easier to access a node’s data. ContentMap
provides the following
special attributes that are not properties:
In Java:
ContentMap nodeAsContentMap = new ContentMap(someNode); Node backToNode = nodeAsContentMap.getJCRNode();
In Freemarker:
${cmsfn.asJCRNode(aContentMap)} ${cmsfn.asContentMap(aJCRNode)}
See cmsfn for more templating functions operating on the JCR API.