Alternatively, you can use info.magnolia.ui.editor.TabWithFieldsFormDefinition (tabbedForm) to configure fields in tabs.
This form comes with a tab layout, which is similar to how a form is defined by default in Magnolia 5 UI.
i18n keys from Magnolia 5 UI are not compatible with tabbedForm and must be reconfigured.
Both myLightModule.myDialog.myTextField[.label] and fields.myTextField[.label]
are generated for the following Magnolia 6 UI definitions:
With info.magnolia.ui.framework.layout.StackedLayoutProducer (stacked),
you can arrange components vertically. Any captions are placed above the
respective components, which means that more horizontal space is
allocated to the components themselves. This is the default layout for
composite fields.
With info.magnolia.ui.framework.layout.HorizontalLayoutDefinition (horizontal),
you can arrange components horizontally. To disable spacing between components,
set the spacing property to false. Use this layout mainly for
composite fields.
With info.magnolia.ui.framework.layout.DeclarativeLayoutDefinition (declarativeLayout),
you can create form entries in an arbitrary Vaadin component container
using the
Vaadin declarative syntax.
Use this layout for full customization.
To render the layout, a template property is required. Because the
Vaadin declarative syntax is used to design custom layouts, the
declarative template has to be an HTML document.
In the template, the tag of a component element can have one of the
following prefixes:
vaadin-: Vaadin core component.
mgnl-: Magnolia predefined or user-defined component. To define a
mapping between a tag prefix and the Java package of the component, see
the Component Prefix to Package Mapping section of
UIs Declaratively. The following Magnolia predefined components are
<mgnl-separator/>: horizontal line to separate content.
<mgnl-group caption="">: group header with a caption attribute to
separate content.
form-: Magnolia property as defined in YAML.
You can always use Magnolia predefined or user-defined components and
Magnolia properties with Vaadin core components.
It is recommended that Magnolia properties be nested inside a
<vaadin-form-layout> tag. If you insert a Magnolia property inside a
<vaadin-vertical-layout> tag, the component will not be rendered as
If is stored in
src/main/java/info/magnolia/contacts/layout, my-style.css should be
added to src/main/resources/info/magnolia/contacts/layout.
Action layout
With info.magnolia.ui.dialog.layout.DefaultEditorActionLayoutDefinition (defaultEditorActionLayout),
you can define an action area in both dialogs and the detail subapps of
content apps. This is the default layout for footers and includes
predefined primary and secondary actions.
To learn about the layout properties, see