The Content Editor module provides a platform for handling well-defined blocks of content in Magnolia.
The core of the platform is the Magnolia Content Editor submodule, implemented as the stories-app submodule, which allows editors to create and edit stories in the Author instance using the Stories app.
Compatibility note
Custom content editor and block definitions created in the Magnolia 5 UI framework must be migrated.
Module structure
Parent reactor.
Provides a free-form content editor.
Provides a custom widgetset for the Content Editor.
Provides the Stories app, the default Magnolia editor implementation.
The app is not bundled with preconfigured Magnolia webapps.
Provides a basic API for the blocks (content sections).
Provides the functionality to render the blocks.
Provides utilities for unfurling external web links.
Unfurling means fetching and displaying metadata for a given URL, for example, a preview image, a title and description.
A block node, with a list of fields the content block consists of. Use the properties in the same way as the properties for the CompositeFieldDefinition.
Provide a template definition file and a template script for your block in the templates/blocks subfolder of your module.
Optionally, in the i18n folder of your module, provide a file with i18n keys for labels and descriptions of the block’s fields.
Content editor modules in Magnolia webapps and bundles
In the 6.2 branch of Magnolia, preconfigured Magnolia DX Core bundles or webapps contain version 1.3.18 of the module, which is compatible with the 5 UI framework.
If you wish to use module version 2.1 (or higher), which is 6-UI-native and supports content internationalization, you must remove the 1.3.18 module first.
Content internationalization (i18n)
Internationalization (i18n) of content is supported since version 2.1 of the Content Editor module. Block definitions and data structures created in the older versions of the module must be migrated.
Compatibility of content and block definitions
Flat vs nested content structure
The data model has changed for internationalized stories. Whereas in versions 1.3.x and 2.0.x of the module, the mgnl:block elements are stored in a flat node structure,
└── story1
├── 0
└── 1
in the i18n-supported version (2.1 and higher), the nodes are locale-nested under intermediate nodes of type mgnl:contentNode, named blocks_de and blocks in this example:
This must be reflected in your MultiJcrBlockDefinition, where you need to add and enable the i18n property.
Instead of the CurrentItemProvider, the CompatibleBlockProvider is set as the default provider, which can resolve both flat and nested block nodes. You do not need to declare it in your block definition.
This applies only to the 2.0.x block definitions. Block definitions created for version 1.3.x (5 UI) of the module are not compatible with the 2.1 version and must be fully migrated.
Migrating content
There are two ways you can migrate the non-i18n blocks to the i18n-compatible hierarchy: using a version handler or a Groovy script.
We strongly recommend you have the latest version of the Content Editor before migrating your content.
In versions prior to 2.1.3, the MigrateBlockToIntermediateParentTask doesn’t preserve the order of nodes when migrating to the latest version. Running this task can actually reorder the nodes to an incorrect state.
Version handler
When upgrading the Stories app submodule to version 2.1 or higher, all block nodes in the stories workspace will be moved to intermediate nodes, see the MigrateBlockToIntermediateParentTask task.
Groovy script
You can run the migration task in the Groovy app, especially in case a block node is stored in another workspace.