Content connectors are based on the deprecated Vaadin 7, which has been
replaced with Vaadin 8 since Magnolia 6.0. They are part of the
Magnolia 5 UI framework.
The content you manage in Magnolia is typically stored in the JCR
repository, but it doesn’t have to be. A content connector defines where
the content resides. With a content connector you can decouple content
management from content storage. You can store content in a database,
cloud storage or a Web service. You can create a connector that lets
authors choose image assets from Flickr, for example. Authors benefit as
they can manage all content in familiar Magnolia
apps. They don’t have to leave Magnolia just because the content
resides somewhere else.
Implementing a content connector
In technical terms, a content connector is a bridge to a data source. It
allows you to access content outside the JCR repository.
The ContentConnector interface defines APIs that map arbitrary objects to three
A unique identifier known as itemId.
A Vaadin Item that
you can use in a detail form, for example.
A unique String representation that the content app uses as a location
A content app does not fetch data directly from the content connector
but from a Vaadin
Container. In
your content app you need to also provide content views (tree, list)
that work with the container. These views and their presenter classes
are configured in the
If required, you can inject your own content connector in the
constructor of your class. Content connector has its own provider:
The provider creates one instance of a connector per subapp by default.
app with non-JCR content tutorial explains how to implement a non-JCR
content app, including a custom content connector.
Content connector definition
A connector definition specifies the data source. In case of a JCR
connector, the definition requires you to specify a workspace and a path
in that workspace. Each content app subapp must provide its own content
connector definition. If you implement your own connector, extend
optional, default is
Definition class. Only needed if you implement your own, non-JCR content
connector. If you store content in the JCR repository this property is
not needed but you need to define a number of other properties. See the
JCR content connector example below. The value must be a fully-qualified
class name.
Examples of definition classes:
Basic content connector definition interface. Implement this in your
custom definition class.
Defines a connector that operates on the JCR repository.
optional, default is info.magnolia.ui.vaadin.integration.contentconnector.JcrContentConnector
Implementation class that implements the
ContentConnector interface. If you store content in the JCR repository this property is
not needed. The value must be a fully-qualified class name.
Example: JCR content connector
JCR content apps have at least two subapps. A browser subapp displays
items and a detail subapp edits them. Both subapps need their own
connector definition.
We highly recommend using the same rootPath in both the detail and
browser sub-apps, to benefit from our standard set of actions provided
out of the box.
Browser subapp
A JCR content connector definition introduces properties that identify a
JCR workspace as a data source. It also defines the node types to
operate on.
List of node types the content connector operates on. For example, the
connector in the Contacts app
displays contacts and folders.
Arbitrary node name such as contact if you are displaying contacts in
the browser.
Node type the connector
operates on. These are Magnolia or JCR node types such as
optional, default is none
CSS class name of the icon displayed on the workbench. See the default
icons that ship with Magnolia or
create your own.
Specifies whether to include only the exact node type and ignore
Specifies whether to display the current node in list view. Use this
property to, for example, exclude folders.
A workspace in the magnolia repository that you want to browse.
Default sort order for the content items in list views. The value is the
name of the property you want to sort by, such as jcrName.
optional, default is false
Displays also the JCR properties of the node when set to true. Only
nodes and subnodes are displayed when false.
optional, default is false
Displays also nodes used by the system such as nodes internal to the
operations of the JCR implementation. Set to true if you want to see
image renditions in the imaging workspace for example.
optional, default is / (root)
Path configured as the root of the workspace. Only content below the
path is operated on.
Detail subapp
The connect definition for a detail subapp is much simpler. You only
need to define the workspace.