Configuration app

The Configuration app allows you to configure the Magnolia Web application, its modules and its apps. It displays the content of the config workspace in a tree and list view. Here you find configuration nodes that influence how the application behaves. The Configuration app is also used to define sites, templates, dialogs and everything else. The app is accessible at Manage > Configuration.


The Configuration app is installed by the UI Admincentral module (see UI module structure). The app has only a single subapp, which is browser. Permission to access the app is limited to users assigned the superuser role. The app is configured in /modules/ui-admincentral/apps/configuration.


The Configuration app operates on the config workspace.

Node types

The Configuration app registers the mgnl:contentnode and mgnl:content node types.


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Magnolia 6.3 beta

Magnolia 6.3 is in beta. We are updating docs based on development and feedback. Consider the 6.3 docs currently in a state of progress and not final.

We are working on some 6.3-beta known issues during this phase.