Pages app

The Pages app allows you to build complete web pages. This tool gives editors most freedom to order, organize and lay out content elements as they wish through the use of different templates. If you need more control over the content entry process, choose a content app or Stories app instead.

In the Pages app, you enter content directly onto the page. You can also render content that comes from another Magnolia app. The Pages app displays the site as a tree. In the tree you can create new pages and create a site structure. The site hierarchy translates into navigation automatically.


The Pages app is installed by the Pages module. The app is configured in /pages-app/apps/pages-app.yaml.


The Pages app operates on the website workspace. The website workspace stores the site pages and their content.

Node types

The Pages app operates on the custom mgnl:page node type and on folders.

Using the app

See Authoring on how to use the Pages app.


DX Core



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Main doc sections

DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules
6.3 beta

Magnolia 6.3 beta

Magnolia 6.3 is in beta. We are updating docs based on development and feedback. Consider the 6.3 docs currently in a state of progress and not final.

We are working on some 6.3-beta known issues during this phase.