Repository Tools app

The Repository Tools app allows you to manipulate repository content. You can run garbage collection on any workspace and purge versions of deleted content. The Jackrabbit datastore expects you to run GC manually so we have provided a way to do that via the app. The purge versions is used to delete versions which are kept even on content deletion. This provides a way to remove those via the app.

Repository tools app


The Repository Tools app is installed by the Tools module. Access to the app is restricted to the superuser role in the app configuration and app launcher layout. The app is configured in /modules/tools/apps/backup.


DX Core



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DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules
6.3 beta

Magnolia 6.3 beta

Magnolia 6.3 is in beta. We are updating docs based on development and feedback. Consider the 6.3 docs currently in a state of progress and not final.

We are working on some 6.3-beta known issues during this phase.