Resource Files app

The Resource Files app displays resources such as CSS files, JavaScript files, template scripts and YAML configuration files. You can use the app to edit resources in the JCR resources workspace and do hotfixes.

Resource Files app

Searching and filtering resource files

The in-app search field and filters allow you to quickly find what you are looking for.

The search field searches through values in the following columns:

  • Name.

  • Type: Resource type according to a MIME type, for example text/x-java-properties for i18n message bundles or text/x-yaml for .yaml definitions. For a full list of MIME types, see for example the All known MIME types (DigiPres Commons) page.

In addition, the following filters are available:

  • Overrides?: Does the resource override another resource? See also Overriding resources.

  • Origin

    • All: Any origin.

    • jcr

    • filesystem

    • classpath-legacy: The legacy pre-5.4 classpath mgnl-resources.

    • classpath

  • Status

    • All: Any status.

    • Not activated

    • Modified

    • Activated



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