Deleting and restoring

The principles and procedures in this section apply to editorial content in the Pages and Assets app.

Deleting content is a two-step process:

  1. First, you mark your page or asset for deletion.

    The content appears as grayed out in the app and is no longer available for selection in chooser dialogs. Content that’s already published remains published even when marked for deletion.

  2. Then, you can decide to either permanently delete the content, or to restore it.

    This step gives you an opportunity to restore content deleted in error.

The following diagram shows the different statuses possible in the process of deleting a page.

Deletion workflow diagram

If 4-eye workflow is enabled, permanent deletion may be delayed until it’s approved by someone with the right to do so, such as a user with the publisher role.

Other items, such as contacts, categories, and any similar content type made available by a content app, have the same workflow but use different terminology for the actions:

Pages and Assets apps Other content apps

Mark for deletion

Delete item

Delete permanently

Publish deletion

Restore item

Restore previous version

Deleting permanently

When content is permanently deleted, it’s removed from both instances and can’t be restored.

To delete content permanently from the Pages and Assets apps:

  1. Select the item and click Mark for deletion.

  2. Check any dependencies and confirm the deletion in the dialog. The item has the status Marked for deletion and the row is grayed out in the grid.

    1. A version is created.

    2. You can still restore the item at this point.

  3. Click Delete permanently to complete the deletion process.

    1. If workflow is enabled, the item is sent to a publisher for approval.

    2. If workflow isn’t enabled, the item is removed from the tree.

Deleting multiple items

You can delete multiple items simultaneously by selecting them and clicking Mark for deletion once.

Content dependencies

In DX Core, a confirmation dialog includes a list of linked pages to warn editors of links that may be broken due to the deletion. This functionality is activated by default for the Pages and Assets apps. Dependent pages include child pages, and pages that are linked through internal teaser components.

Marking multiple items for deletion confirmation pop-up" width=600


The Restore item action restores an item to the version it was in before deletion. You can only restore items that have the status Marked for deletion. All restored items are brought back in Draft or Modified status, depending on their status before being marked for deletion.

Once an item is permanently deleted, you can no longer restore it.

Recursive restore

In the Pages app, the Restore item action restores the whole subtree (recursively). This allows you to recover quickly if you delete a page and its children by accident. Recursive restore is only configured by default in the Pages app. Other apps restore only the selected item.


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