Health check API

With this API, you can check that a Magnolia instance is up and running.

health path

To check that a Magnolia instance is up and running, send a GET call to one of the following health paths.

  • <magnolia-base-path>/.rest/health

    Returns 200 if all registered HealthChecks in the HealthCheckRegistry respond with the UP status.

    Click to see a response.

    Request URL: http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/health
    Request Method: GET
    Response Time: 0.179 seconds
    Response Status: 200 - OK
      "checks": [
          "data": {},
          "name": "magnolia-instance",
          "status": "UP"
          "data": {},
          "name": "magnolia-instance",
          "status": "UP"
      "status": "UP"
  • <magnolia-base-path>/.rest/health/live

    Returns 200 if all registered Liveness health checks in the HealthCheckRegistry respond with the UP status.

    Click to see a response.

    Request URL: http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/health/live
    Request Method: GET
    Response Time: 0.067 seconds
    Response Status: 200 - OK
      "checks": [
          "data": {},
          "name": "magnolia-instance",
          "status": "UP"
      "status": "UP"
  • <magnolia-base-path>/.rest/health/ready

    Returns 200 if all registered Readiness health checks in the HealthCheckRegistry respond with the UP status.

    Click to see a response.

    Request URL: http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/health/ready
    Request Method: GET
    Response Time: 0.084 seconds
    Response Status: 200 - OK
      "checks": [
          "data": {},
          "name": "magnolia-instance",
          "status": "UP"
      "status": "UP"
  • <magnolia-base-path>/.rest/health/started

    Returns 200 if all registered Startup health checks in the HealthCheckRegistry respond with the UP status.

    Click to see a response.

    Request URL: http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/health/started
    Request Method: GET
    Response Time: 0.07 seconds
    Response Status: 200 - OK
      "checks": [],
      "status": "UP"

status path

The implementation using the status path has been deprecated since the release of Magnolia 6.3.0.

To check that a Magnolia instance is up and running, send a GET call to the status path.

  • <magnolia-base-path>/.rest/status

    Returns 200 if the instance is up and running.

    Click to see a response.

    Request URL: http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/status
    Request Method: GET
    Response Time: 0.124 seconds
    Response Status: 200 - OK

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