Template availability

Template availability defines which templates editors can use to create pages and components. Available page templates are displayed in a dropdown list in the Pages app. Available component templates are listed in the page editor when adding a component inside an area.

Example: The template dropdown in the Pages app shows available templates

The template dropdown in the Pages app

Page template availability

Page template availability is controlled on several levels:

  • visible property in a page definition.

  • availability node in a site definition

    • to configure the availability per site.

    • configuring role-based availability per template (per site).

    • using page template definition property type.

Availability by page definition

The template availability can be set on page template definition with the visible property.

Property Description


optional, default is true

When false, the template is not available to editors.

There are more ways to control page template availability.

Availability by site

The availability node in a site definition allows you to make templates available per site. This means an editor working on site X can only choose templates that are available on site X. As a use case, a small campaign site may only have one available template whereas your main site has many templates.

You can configure template availability in a YAML site definition.


  class: info.magnolia.module.site.templates.ReferencingPrototypeTemplateSettings
  prototypeId: travel-demo:pages/prototype
        id: travel-demo:pages/home
        id: travel-demo:pages/standard
        id: travel-demo:pages/searchResultPage
        id: travel-demo:pages/pur
      freemarker: freemarker
      spa: spa

You need the Site module in order to create a site definition. The Site module is not always included, such as when you create your own webapp based on the empty webapp. Add a dependency to the Site module in your webapp POM file. The Site module provides the same availability definitions that were previously in the Standard Templating Kit module.

Option 1: Define page templates explicitly

You may define page templates explicitly under the availability/templates node in your site definition. Add the child nodes as shown in the example below, where the home and standard templates are made available on the travel site:

Defining page templates explicitly



required ID of the page definition in <module name>:<path to page definition> format.

The ID has two parts separated by a colon:

  • <module-name> : Name of the module which contains the page definition.

  • <path>: Relative path to the page definition inside pages root item. For example, the page ID my-module:pages/home either points to a YAML file $magnolia.resources.dir/my-module/templates/pages/home.yaml or to a JCR node /modules/my-module/templates/pages/home in the config workspace.

You can reference templates from any module.

Option 2: Make all templates available

You can make all templates available by adding the enableAll property to the availability node in your site definition and set the property to true:

Making all templates available

Option 3: Make templates available by RenderType

By adding the enableAllWithRenderType node to the availability node, you can make templates available by RenderType. In the example below, the templates rendered by freemarker and jsp are made available on the travel site:

Making templates available by RenderType

Options 1 and 3 can be combined.

Configure template availability under the availability node in the site definition:

  • Community Edition:

    • /modules/<my-module>/config/<site-definition>/templates/availability when you want to store the site definition in your own module.

    • /modules/site/config/site/templates/availability when you want to store the site definition in the Site module.

  • DX Core:

    • /modules/multisite/config/sites/<site-definition>/templates/availability when you have multiple sites and use the Multisite module.

Availability by role

The roles node in a site definition allows you to make templates available to users who have a specific role. The roles themselves are managed in the Security app. Reference them by name from the site definition.

Example: Only users in the superuser role have permission to create home pages. Users with superuser or editor roles can create pages based on the standard template.

        id: travel-demo:pages/home
          superuser: superuser
        id: travel-demo:pages/standard
          superuser: superuser
          editor: editor
Property Description



     <role name>


The property name is arbitrary but the value must match a valid role as configured in the Security app.

Availability by type

The optional type property in a page definition allows you to make templates available per page type. Common page types are home, section and article. Types allow you to control where in the page tree a template can be used. If a template type is not allowed in a given place in the tree, it will not be available to editors.

To limit template availability by type you need to:

  1. Add a type property to your page definitions.

  2. Implement a custom TemplateAvailability class that reacts to the types.

  3. Configure the custom TemplateAvailability class in the site definition.

Adding a type property

Example: Type home in a page definition


renderType: freemarker
templateScript: /my-module/templates/pages/home.ftl
dialog: my-module:pages/homePageProperties
# areas:
visible: true
type: home
class: com.example.templates.CustomTemplateDefinition
modelClass: com.example.templates.HomePageModel
Property Description


optional, default is `content`

You have to define the template types yourself. Magnolia does not provide ready-made types.

Most web pages fall into these types:

  • home: Home page. Root of the site.

  • section: Sections that organize the site.

  • content: Core content pages.

  • feature: Special templates that collect or aggregate content.

  • functional: Templates that perform actions such as redirect rather than render content.

Implementing a template availability class

Implement and configure your own TemplateAvailability class that reacts to the defined types. Write your own implementation of the info.magnolia.rendering.template.TemplateAvailability interface (source). You may want to look at one of its existing implementations for inspiration: info.magnolia.module.site.templates.ConfiguredSiteTemplateAvailability (source).

Look into the Magnolia Templating Kit (KIT) for more information about template availability. Templates of type home can only be used on the site root page. Templates of type content can only be used on a page that resides under a page whose template belongs to types section, feature or functional.

Configuring a template availability class

Example: Configuring a TemplateAvailability class in a site definition.

    class: com.example.myModule.site.CustomTemplateAvailability

Component template availability

The add-availability and create-component commands in the Magnolia CLI allow light developers to define component availability in a page template.

The availability of a component is defined per area in an Area definition (and an area definition is always part of page template definition).

Restricting component availability in an area template

You can restrict access to components made available in an area template definition to users assigned a specific role.

In this example component textImage can be used by any editor, but only users assigned the superuser role in the Security app can create a HTML component. See Roles for more.

        id: my-module:components/textImage
        id: my-module:components/HTML
          - superuser
        # could also be written as
        # roles: [superuser]

Where id is the Component definition ID in <module name>:<path to component definition> format. See Area properties for more.

Restricting the number of components in an area template

You can restrict the number of components that render in a list area by adding a maxComponents property. Once the limit is reached the New Component box is replaced with a Maximum Components Reached notification preventing editors from adding additional components.

      maxComponents: 5
      renderType: freemarker
      type: list

Restricting component actions in a component template

You can restrict the actions that editors can take on a component in the component definition using the deletable, writable, moveable and personalizable properties. By default, all components can be deleted, edited, moved, and personalized but you can change this behavior by setting these properties to false.


renderType: freemarker
templateScript: /my-module/components/html.ftl
dialog: my-module:components/html
deletable: false
writable: false
moveable: false
personalizable: false

Restricting component actions in an area template

You can define which roles can edit, move, delete, and also personalize components in an area definition.

        id: my-module:components/myComponent
            roles: [editors, superuser]
            roles: [senior-editor, superuser]
            roles: [editors, superuser]
            roles: [senior-editor, superuser]
Property Description



Required parent item that contains the action restrictions.



Action to which the restriction applies. (personalize is not available in CE)



roles must be added as a list in the YAML file. (See YAML-Lists).



Identifies the role. The name of the attribute is arbitrary but the value must match an existing role

Resctrictions and template availability in SPA contexts

In SPA environments, both the server and the client(s) have their own credential configurations.

If a CORS request does not include credentials, it will be interpreted as an anonymous request. The SPA template annotations endpoint will then return data for the anonymous user.

From a SPA, requests to the Template annotations endpoint must include:

fetch(templateEndpointUrl, { credentials: "include" });

Example CORS filter configuration for example.com

  templateAnnotations: /.rest/template-annotations/*
  example_com: https://example.com
supportCredentials: true
For more information about the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header, see MDN Web Docs: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.

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