Campaign Publisher app

Magnolia Campaign Publisher 2.1.0 is in beta with Magnolia 6.3.

Campaign Publisher allows managers and team members to manage all elements of online campaigns in a single app. You can add content to campaigns directly in the app where the content is managed. By default, the Add to campaign action is available in the Pages and Assets apps but can also be added to any content app.

At a glance, you can see a campaign’s readiness and publication status of each item in the Campaign Publisher app. Team members can preview each campaign item and publish the entire campaign in a single click.

The Campaign Publisher module and app are compatible with Pages and Assets apps (6 UI).

There is an ongoing effort to convert the Campaign Publisher module and app to the entire 6 UI framework. You can follow the progress on the following ticket: MGNLCAMPU-87.


The Campaign app is installed by the Campaign module. The app is configured in /campaign-publisher/apps/pages-app.yaml. Read more about this in the Campaign Publisher module.

Using the app

Creating and managing campaigns

Campaigns are created and managed in the Campaign publisher app. Campaign content is added to campaigns in the app in which the content is managed. The Add to campaign action is available in the Pages and Assets by default, but can be added to any content app.

Creating a campaign

To create a campaign:

  1. Open the Campaign Publisher app:

  2. Click Add campaign.

  3. Name the campaign.

  4. Save.

Creating a campaign dialog

Adding content to campaigns

Content is added to campaigns in the app where the content is managed, such as the Pages, Assets, Contacts or Configuration apps. The same content can be added to multiple campaigns.

To add content to campaigns:

  1. Open the app where the content is managed.

  2. Select the content and click Add to campaign. You can add multiple items simultaneously.

  3. Select the campaign in the dialog.

  4. Check Dependencies to include referenced content such as images or videos used on a page. This option is only available in the Pages app.

  5. Save.

Adding content to campaigns in the Campaign dialog

You can also create a new campaign on the fly while adding content to campaigns. Select <Create new> in the Add to campaign dialog. A new campaign named after the content item will be created in the Campaign Publisher app and the item and referenced content (if any) will simultaneously be added to the campaign.

Managing campaigns

Campaign managers and team members can interact and see the overall state of a campaign in the Campaign Publisher app.

Each item shows:

  • Added by: User who added the item.

  • Ready: Whether the item is ready for publication.

  • Status: Publication status of the item.

  • Is reference: Whether the item is a referenced (dependent) item or has been added individually.

  • Item type: Whether the item is a page, asset, resource or configuration. The type displays before the path.

  • Path: Path to the item,

  • Workspace: Workspace where the item is located. This displays after the word at at the end or the path.

Campaign actions

The app has a number of custom actions to manage campaigns:

  • Campaign actions:

    • Edit campaign: Opens dialog to rename campaign and archive the campaign on completion.

    • Rename campaign: Opens dialog to rename the campaign.

    • Delete: Deletes the campaign and all items.

    • Merge campaigns: Merges multiple campaigns into one. Select the campaigns to be merged and click the action. Duplicates are removed automatically.

    • Update dependencies: Refreshes dependent content and adds missing dependencies. The action’s confirmation dialog lists the dependencies that will be added or removed.

    • Include unpublished parents: Adds any unpublished parent items that would prevent publishing the campaign.

    • Publish: Publishes the entire campaign and all campaign items. Campaigns are automatically marked as ready when all items have been marked as ready. If the campaign is not marked as ready, a warning displays in a confirmation dialog prior to publication.

    • Unpublish: Unpublishes the campaign and all campaign items.

    • Export/Import: Exports or imports the node in the campaigns workspace to or from XML. The underlying content is not imported or exported.

  • Item actions:

    • Mark/Un-mark as ready: Changes the ready status icon to green (ready) or red (unready). If content marked as ready is modified in the underlying app the status automatically changes to amber (modified). Actions can be executed on multiple items. When all campaign items are marked as ready, the status of the campaign node changes to ready automatically, and vice versa.

    • Preview: Opens the item in the app where it is managed.

      • Pages open in Preview app.

      • Content app items open in the edit dialog in the app where they are managed.

      • Action is not available for items managed in custom apps such as the Tours app.

    • Delete: Removes items from the campaign. It does not result in deletion of the actual content. Action can be executed on multiple items.

    • Split campaigns: Splits one campaign into two. Select one or more items to be moved and click the action. A new campaign with the same name plus a prepended numeral is created, and the selected items are moved from the original to the new campaign.

    • Publish/Unpublish: Publishes and unpublishes the underlying content item. Actions can be executed on multiple items.

    • Export/Import: Exports or imports the node in the campaigns workspace to or from XML. The underlying content is not imported or exported.

Importing and exporting entire campaigns

Suppose we’ve created a new campaign and added content and assets to it in the Pages and Assets apps. The new campaign’s content may have subfolders and nodes that you also want to include in the campaign. The following actions are available in the Campaign Publisher app to handle this additional content and inport or export an entire campaign.

  • Add child elements to the campaign: This allows you to add the selected node’s child elements and any referenced resources for those child elements. Doing so adds child folders and content below the selected item, pulling them in from wherever the content is stored (for example, the Pages app).

  • Export entire campaign: By selecting a campaign’s root node and clicking this action, you can download a ZIP file containing all of the campaign’s resources.

  • Import entire campaign: If a campaign and all its related content in the Pages and Assets apps don’t exist, you can use this import action to recreate everything everywhere.

The import and export of an entire campaign uses .zip archives. In addition, the order of the nodes within the archive is preserved, enabling a smooth workflow for your editors.

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