Getting and using REST client instances

restfn templating functions

The restfn templating functions allow you to obtain and use REST clients. This works only for clients that have been configured and declared with the RESTEasy client.

[#assign jokesService = restfn.getService("icndbClient", "info.magnolia.documentation.modules.restclientexamples.client.IcndbService")] (1)
[#assign response = jokesService.joke("random", "Tiger", "Lilly") /] (2)
<i>${response.get("value").get("joke").getTextValue()!"Nix found"}</i>

Line 1 accesses an instance of the client interface. In this example, it is of the IcndbService type.

  • The first parameter is the name of the client configuration node (icndbClient).

  • The second parameter is the fully qualified class name of the declared service interface (info.magnolia.documentation.modules.restclientexamples.client.IcndbService).

Line 2 calls the method #joke, which returns a JsonNode object.

This is a simplified example. See Jackson Javadoc for how to process JsonNode or assign a raw response to a JavaScript variable to process JSON in a JavaScript context.

    var jokeJson = '${jokesService.joke("random", "Tiger", "Lilly")!}';
During installation of the magnolia-resteasy-client module, RestEasyClientModuleVersionHandler adds restfn to renderer configurations. Make sure that the renderType of your template definition points to a renderer that is configured to use restfn. See Configure the functions in a renderer for how to add templating functions to a renderer.

Java using client registry

To learn how to obtain and use a REST client, here is a model class that uses the same client as in the above example:

  1. Add as a parameter to the constructor and assign it as a final instance variable.

  2. Obtain a info.magnolia.resteasy.client.RestEasyClient object from RestClientRegistry. Note that #getRestClient requires the configured name of the rest client definition.

  3. Create an instance of the declared interface IcndbService.

  4. Call the declared method(s) on the service.

Component example

You have the option to configure components (filters) to be executed on every request. One use case could be authentication.

Client request filter

Here is an example filter that would handle authorization for each request.

package org.example.filters;

import info.magnolia.context.Context;
import info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext;


import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Interceptor for RESTEasy to handle authentication with an access token.
public class AuthenticationInterceptor implements ClientRequestFilter {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuthenticationInterceptor.class);

    public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
        if (MgnlContext.hasInstance() && MgnlContext.hasAttribute("ACCESS_TOKEN", Context.APPLICATION_SCOPE)) {
                "OAuth " + MgnlContext.getAttribute("ACCESS_TOKEN", Context.APPLICATION_SCOPE));

            log.trace("Authorization : {}",
                (String) MgnlContext.getAttribute("ACCESS_TOKEN", Context.APPLICATION_SCOPE));

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