YAML-based module descriptor

This page is about the YAML-based module descriptor for a Magnolia light module and details light module dependencies. If you are using a Magnolia Maven module, you should use an XML-based module descriptor.

The file must be in the root folder of the module and its name has to be module.yaml.

The YAML-based module descriptor allows you to define the version of the module and dependencies to other Magnolia modules.


version: 1.0
    version: 5.4.7
    version: 5.4.5
    optional: true

Module descriptor elements

Property Description



The module versions.



Dependencies on other modules - the module will install only after the specified modules.

Module versions

The syntax for a version is

from version / to version

where the version number consists of three parts: x.y.z. The x.y parts denote a major version and the z part a maintenance release. The y.z parts are optional. For a strict version dependency, use just one version string.

The info.magnolia.module.model.VersionRange class supports the following syntax to indicate version dependencies. Only three parts are supported: major, minor and security versions. The build number is not supported. See Runtime.Version for more information.

  • *: all versions.

    In a YAML file, make sure to wrap * with quotes (version: "*").
  • 1.2: version 1.2 only.

  • 1.2/*: version 1.2 or higher.

  • 1.2/1.2.9 or [1.2,1.2.9]: all versions between 1.2 and 1.2.9 (including 1.2 and 1.2.9).

  • [1.2,1.2.9[ or [1.2,1.2.9): all versions between 1.2 and 1.2.9 (including 1.2 but excluding 1.2.9).

Example Description


Major version 3.


Major version 3.6.


Major version 3.6 and maintenance version 3.


Major version 3 or higher.


Major version 3.6 or higher.


Major version 3.6 and maintenance version 3 or higher.


Major version 3 or earlier.


Major version 3.6 or earlier.


Major version 3.6 and maintenance version 3 or earlier.

3.5/3.6.2 or [3.5/3.6.2]

All versions between 3.5 and 3.6.2 (including 3.5 and 3.6.2).

[3.5/3.6.2[ or [3.5/3.6.2)

All versions between 3.5 and 3.6.2 (including 3.5 but excluding 3.6.2).

Module dependencies

You can define runtime or install time dependencies (not build dependencies). If you define a dependency on a module, then this module will be installed and started before your module. A dependency can be optional. Optional in this context means that if an optional module is not present, installation will proceed, but if the optional module is present, this module will be installed first. The dependencies could look like this:

version: 1.0
    version: 5.4.7
  # If the Cache module is present, install the current module
  # after Cache so we can add a cache bypass.
    version: 5.4.5
    optional: true

Module dependencies define module loading order

The module dependencies define the order in which modules are loaded during startup. For example, if module-a depends on module-b, module-b will be loaded before module-a. The order becomes important, for example, if both module-a and module-b decorate the same definition or if module-a inherits a definition from module-b.

Decorations are applied in the module load order.


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Magnolia 6.3 is in beta. We are updating docs based on development and feedback. Consider the 6.3 docs currently in a state of progress and not final.

We are working on some 6.3-beta known issues during this phase.