Content view definition - 5 UI


This content view definition has been deprecated since Magnolia 6.0. It is part of the Magnolia 5 UI framework.

For the updated implementation, see Content view definition for Magnolia 6 UI instead.

A content view must implement ContentPresenter, and its definition class must implement ContentPresenterDefinition. Magnolia provides view implementations for JCR based data to display as list, tree, as thumbnails and one for search results (which is a list too).

The configuration snippet below shows content view definitions for the Magnolia provided implementations for JCR based data for tree, list, thumbnail and search. Note how the column definition from the tree view has been reused for the list and the search views.

  - name: tree
    class: info.magnolia.ui.workbench.tree.TreePresenterDefinition
    columns: &myColumns
      - name: jcrName
        editable: true
        sortable: true
        propertyName: jcrName
        class: info.magnolia.ui.workbench.column.definition.PropertyColumnDefinition
      - name: status
        width: 45
        displayInChooseDialog: false
        formatterClass: info.magnolia.ui.workbench.column.StatusColumnFormatter
        class: info.magnolia.ui.workbench.column.definition.StatusColumnDefinition
      - name: moddate
        width: 160
        sortable: true
        displayInChooseDialog: false
        formatterClass: info.magnolia.ui.workbench.column.DateColumnFormatter
        propertyName: mgnl:lastModified
        class: info.magnolia.ui.workbench.column.definition.MetaDataColumnDefinition
  - name: list
    class: info.magnolia.ui.workbench.list.ListPresenterDefinition
    columns: *myColumns
  - name: thumbnail
    class: info.magnolia.ui.workbench.thumbnail.ThumbnailPresenterDefinition
  - name: search
    columns: *myColumns

Common content view properties

Property Description



A presenter definition class extending ContentPresenterDefinition to define the type of the view.


required (not used for thumbnail view)


optional, default is no drag-and-drop capability

A drag-and-drop constraint class. By restricting the nodes that a user can move you can enforce a certain node hierarchy. For example, you might want to allow moving of content under folders but not folders under content. If the class is not defined, the view will have no drag and drop capability. When you write your own class, implement the DropConstraint interface.



Makes the workbench editable inline. You can double-click a cell to edit its value.

Inline editing is available only in the tree view, not in list, thumbnail or search views.

Defining a default action will override inline editing. Double-clicking the cell will trigger the default action instead of inline edit mode.



CSS class that identifies an icon used on the view tab. For available names see Icons.


optional, default is true

Defines whether the view is active.

TreePresenterDefinition properties




optional, default is false

Enables and disables sorting of items in the view. Click the column header to sort.


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