Field validators - 5 UI


This field validator definition has been deprecated since Magnolia 6.0. It is part of the Magnolia 5 UI framework.

For the updated implementation, see Field validators for Magnolia 6 UI instead.

Validators ensure that field input is entered in correct format and length. For example, you can validate that an email address adheres to a syntax such as You can add multiple validators to a field. The validators are executed like a chain, one after the other.

Email validator

Common validator properties

Simple validator definition:

    - name: tabUser
      label: User info
        - name: emailAddress
          fieldType: text
          label: Email
            - name: email
              class: info.magnolia.ui.form.validator.definition.EmailValidatorDefinition
              errorMessage: Enter a valid email address
Field Description

<field name>

Name of field.



Contains the validator definition.

<validator name>


Arbitrary node name. Use a name that describes the validator type.



Validator definition class. Use the fully-qualified class name.



Fully qualified name of the Java class that creates the validator. The class must implement FieldValidatorFactory. Validator definitions specify a default factory class, meaning that unless you want to use a custom implementation you don’t need to configure a factory class.



Text displayed to the user on invalid input. Text string or message bundle key.



Message bundle for localized messages. This property can be set at dialog, form, tab or field level.


required for regex validation

Regular expression pattern when using the info.magnolia.ui.form.validator.definition.RegexpValidatorDefinition class

List of validator definition classes


Validates a regular expression given in the pattern property.


Validates an email address. Delegates to a Vaadin EmailValidator.

Custom regular expressions

The easiest custom validator is a regular expression. Use the RegexpValidatorDefinition class and define your own regular expression in the pattern property.

Here is an example of validating a ZIP code (U.S. postal code).

    - name: tabUser
      label: User info
        - name: zipCode
          fieldType: text
          label: Zip code
            - name: zip
              class: info.magnolia.ui.form.validator.definition.RegexpValidatorDefinition
              pattern: ^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$
              errorMessage: Enter a valid U.S. ZIP code using the format 12345 or 12345-1234

Custom validators

To write your own validator class:

  1. Create a validator class that performs the actual validation.

  2. Create a validator factory class that extends AbstractFieldValidatorFactory. Implement the createValidator method.

  3. Create a validator definition class that extends ConfiguredFieldValidatorDefinition. In the definition class, set the factory class.

For example, checking that a username is unique:

  • UniqueUserNameValidator

  • UniqueUserNameValidatorFactory

  • UniqueUserNameValidatorDefinition

Checking for null values

Best practice

Define default values for fields or check for null values. This ensures that you can submit the form. For example, if you define an option group field and do not provide a default value, an error will occur when a user submits the form by email. The email processor does not check for null values in the template. It is good practice to check for null values of any variables you call.

You can check for null values and provide a default value in a Freemarker script like this:

field: ${field!"value not provided"}

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