Stay updated

There are many ways to stay up-to-date with Magnolia. Choose the options that best suit your work style and requirements.

Official documentation

We update the documentation site continually. You can give feedback on any page using the Feedback button located on the right of your screen. This opens a JIRA ticket where you can track the updates to your request.


The Magnolia product development roadmap is available here: Magnolia roadmap.

Forum and mailing lists

The forum and mailing lists are fundamental parts of the Magnolia community. Magnolia forums and mailing lists are now available as Google Groups.

Subscribe to our lists or visit to see and ask new questions. Post your questions and they’ll be answered by members of the Magnolia community and staff.

Security announcements

Magnolia has a dedicated Google Group for security-related announcements.

Access to the group is only granted for approved users. This is because we may potentially disclose vulnerabilities before they’re fixed.

If you think you should be added to the security announcements group, contact Magnolia either through your Magnolia customer success manager or through support.

If you want to report a security issue, send an email to


Keep up to date with all things Magnolia by signing up for one of our monthly newsletters. You can also opt-in for updates on events, resources and product updates.


Find insider tips and tricks at the Magnolia Blog.

Community wiki

The Community wiki is where Magnolia developers and experienced partners and clients share their knowledge. There are How-tos, tutorials, and more. You can participate and share your knowledge with others by creating useful pages.

Developer wiki

The Developer wiki is where our developers document new concepts, ideas, and projects.


Follow Magnolia on social networks for the latest news and events. Our YouTube channel has tutorials, webinar recordings, and more.

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Q&A sites

Stack Overflow

You can find many answered questions tagged as magnolia on Stack Overflow.

Subscribe via Stack Exchange

You can subscribe to be notified by email about new magnolia-tagged questions via Stack Exchange:

  • Go to

  • Log in using your preferred user account.

  • Create a new filter in the dialog with the following example values:

    Stack overflow filter dialog to create a subscription to magnolia-tagged questions on <em>Stack Overflow</em>


DX Core



This widget lets you know where you are on the docs site.

You are currently perusing through the DX Core docs.

Main doc sections

DX Core Headless PaaS Legacy Cloud Incubator modules
6.3 beta

Magnolia 6.3 beta

Magnolia 6.3 is in beta. We are updating docs based on development and feedback. Consider the 6.3 docs currently in a state of progress and not final.

We are working on some 6.3-beta known issues during this phase.