Roles, groups and users

The system of roles, groups, and users makes the role or group assignment process efficient so that, for example, onboarding new editors or publishers becomes a simple assignment to a group or role.

With privileges being usually highly granular in a fully deployed authoring and publishing configuration, it’s possible to segment the editing experience further by app and workspace access, and without custom roles.

This reduces the overall complexity, particularly for projects with external user management.

Managing roles, groups, and users

Use the Security app to manage the assignment of roles, groups, and users.

Default roles, groups, and users in DX Core webapp


Except the anonymous, scripter and superuser roles, system of roles follows a unified role naming convention of type <module>-<privilege> (for example pages-publisher, admincentral-editor).

Click an individual role to see full details about its permissions.
Role Description

Allows users to read the config workspace.

Allows users to enter the Admincentral (permissions to the /.magnolia/admincentral* path).

Base role for public, unauthenticated users.

Allows users to edit assets (stored in the dam workspace).

Base role allowing users to read categorization information.

Allows users to edit content categories (stored in the category workspace).

Allows users to read content on the /dam-app-core-editor path.

Allows users to edit content in the dam workspace.

Allows users to read the content on the /definitions-app-developer path.

Allows users to access the web path .magnolia/versionDiff*.

Allows editing content.

Allows users to read the /graphql-developer path workspace content and to access the web paths /.graphiql and /.graphql.

Base role allowing users to read the imaging workspace.

Allow users to access the /.imaging/* web path.

Allows users to create and update live copies. Users granted this role can see actions related to creating and updating live copies in the action bar. See Action bar availability for more.

Allow users to access update content in the marketings-app workspace.

Allows users to access and update content in the website workspace and the /page-editor path.

Allows users to access and update content in the website workspace and access the /page-app-editor path.

Base role allowing users to use the resources workspace.

Allows web content retrieval from the /.resources/* path.

REST administrator role granting GET/POST permissions to all Magnolia’s REST APIs.

REST Anonymous Consumer granting GET permissions to Magnolia’s content delivery REST API.

Allows executing backup command from a running magnolia instance.

REST editor role.

Base role allowing users to use scripts workspace.

Base role denying to certain system pages.

Base role allowing users to read stories.

Allows users to read and create stories (in the stories workspace).

A user with unrestricted access to all content everywhere.

Base role allowing users to use the workflow.

Allows users to edit content.

Allows users to publish content.


The purpose of groups is to define settings for a group of users, as opposed to individual users. Users with similar privileges are assigned to appropriate groups. Permissions that apply to a group are inherited by its users.

In the Magnolia DX Core webapp, there are no pre-defined groups.

In magnolia-core, however, these three default groups (JCR primary type mgnl:group) are available:

  • developers

  • editors

  • publishers

See default permissions for these groups

Role Developers Editors Publishers























Other modules can use these default groups for role assignments.

If you create a new user and give it the superuser role, it won’t get task notifications by default. They are only sent when the user is added to the publishing group.


System users

System user Description Assigned roles Assigned groups


Unauthenticated public users access the websites using this account.

  • anonymous

  • categorization-base

  • imaging-base

  • rest-anonymous


User assigned unlimited access permissions.

  • rest-admin

  • superuser


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