Assets app
The Assets app is a container app for asset management subapps such as the Magnolia Assets subapp, Amazon S3 Assets, or Bynder.
Magnolia Assets subapp is a Magnolia-native solution for simple Digital Asset Management (DAM) scenarios. It’s installed in the Assets app by the [Digital Asset Management module and allows you to manage media assets in Magnolia’s digital asset management system (DAM).
Alternatively, Magnolia provides out-of-the-box DAM extensions for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Bynder. When configured, these extensions are also displayed as subapps in the Assets app. See the External DAM integration framework for information.
To open the app, click the Assets tile in the App launcher:
What’s displayed depends on what subapps are installed. For example, the screenshot below shows the Assets app with the Magnolia Assets subapp and the Bynder subapp:
For details on managing assets, such as uploading, publishing, deleting, see Managing assets.