It is now possible to plug in external asset providers like Flickr,
YouTube and file systems.
The diagram provides an overview of how the main interfaces and classes
of the DAM API relate.
info.magnolia.dam.api.AssetProviderRegistry is the main
entry point. Given an ItemKey or MediaType, it is
responsible for finding the correct AssetProvider and AssetRenderer.
info.magnolia.dam.api.AssetProvider: Exposes Folders
and Assets from a particular source. Specifics of the storage of these
items are left to implementations. While most provider implementations
only use the ItemKey.assetId field of keys passed to the various get
methods, the entire key object is passed for consistency and
flexibility. This makes it possible to implement, for example,
delegating and aggregating providers.
info.magnolia.dam.api.PathAwareAssetProvider: Exposes
specific operations for AssetProviders that are aware of paths, for
example JCR, CMIS, File system etc. Not all providers need or want to
implement these features. The term path here should be taken with
a pinch of salt. It could, for example, be a single name or a
relative path if the provider serves assets from a subset of its
underlying data source.
info.magnolia.dam.api.AssetRenderer: Provides
AssetRenditions by bridging an asset’s data and some type of
converter. AssetRenderers can be provided by AssetProviders if the
AssetProvider itself (or the underlying system) is capable of managing
the conversion/translation, or via a global registry.
provides the entry point. It looks up in provider, then in its own
registry, and bridges to other possible conversion mechanisms that are
independent of Magnolia DAM.
info.magnolia.dam.api.Asset: An Asset is a digital
resource with associated metadata.
info.magnolia.dam.api.Folder: A Folder represents a
structural item holding Assets. Depending on the provider, this can be
directly mapped to the concept of folders/directories (JCR, FileSystems
etc.), and for other types, it may map to the concept of albums,
playlists, sets, etc.
info.magnolia.dam.api.Item: Defines a common interface
for Asset and Folder.
info.magnolia.dam.api.AssetQuery: Represents a query to
an AssetProvider. Use new AssetQuery.Builder()…build() to
construct instances.
info.magnolia.dam.api.AssetRendition: An
AssetRendition is a view on a asset for a specific
MediaType. It can be a simple resize of an image, or
a document conversion.
Clients can ask a provider if they support a certain feature before
attempting to use it. Typically, this would enable/disable certain UI
features. In some cases, this will also indicate that client code can
cast to a specific interface. (e.g. PathAwareAssetProvider for
hierarchical). If support for write operations is added, this enum
will be extended with new capabilities.
Convenient abstract base class for implementations. Enables
configurations of MediaType that the implemented
AssetProvider provides.
Common superclass for any DAM Item.
Builder: A builder for AssetQuery that provides a fluent API.
A composite key. In the DAM, every Asset and Folder are identified
by its provider’s ID and its provider-specific ID (i.e the ID with which
the provider can uniquely identify the asset).
Metadata interfaces
info.magnolia.dam.api.metadata.AssetMetadata: A common
interface for asset metadata. Different types of metadata can be exposed
through Asset by extending this interface. The AssetProvider should
implement support for those. Specific metadata interfaces should expose
methods with explicit names and return types, and ideally provide
property descriptions in the Javadocs. Metadata is retrieved through an
Asset by passing the specific type of metadata, i.e, a class object
that extends this interface.
DAM 2.0 introduces the class included
in the Google Guava library.
Here’s the class description from the
Guava Javadoc.
Represents an Internet Media Type (also known as a MIME Type or Content Type).
This class also supports the concept of media ranges defined by HTTP/1.1.
As such, the character is treated as a wildcard and is used to represent any acceptable type or subtype value. A media type may not have wildcard type with a declared subtype.
The character has no special meaning as part of a parameter.
All values for type, subtype, parameter attributes or parameter values must be valid according to RFCs 2045 and 2046.
All portions of the media type that are case-insensitive (type, subtype,
parameter attributes) are normalized to lowercase. The value of the
charset parameter is normalized to lowercase, but all others are left
Note that this specifically does not represent the value of the MIME
Content-Type header and as such has no support for header-specific
considerations such as line folding and comments.
For media types that take a charset the predefined constants default to
UTF-8 and have a _UTF_8 suffix. To get a version without a character
set, use withoutParameters().
Accessing the DAM API
To access AssetProviderRegistry from your custom module, adapt your
pom and module descriptor XML files
to include a
dependency. You can
simply inject or use components to access AssetProviderRegistry.
privatefinal AssetProviderRegistry providerRegistry;
// By Injection@InjectpublicMyFunctions(AssetProviderRegistry providerRegistry){
this.providerRegistry = providerRegistry;
// Or using ComponentspublicvoidmyCustomMethod(){
this.providerRegistry = Components.getComponent(AssetProviderRegistry.class);
AssetProvider has capabilities
(info.magnolia.dam.api.AssetProviderCapability). Some
implementations will not support all features. This can be used to drive
a UI to enable/disable certain actions or UI elements. Implementations
should still throw exceptions when those unsupported operations are
called (although this may not consistently be the case, for example
when aggregating search results from different providers).
ItemKey is a specific type (composed of providerId and assetId)
rather than a magic string. It is passed to most methods, rather
than the assetId string. This allows for aggregation/delegation in
specialized providers.
AssetProviders are registered by configuration in the
Core module.
Items, assets and folders
Item is the main parent definition of a Folder and an Asset.
Asset is the abstract representation of a binary document.
Folder is the abstract representation of a folder that contains Asset.
Implementation notes
To some extent, Items, Folders and Assets mimic the
JCR API, but there are subtle differences that are
highlighted in the Javadocs.
Items, Folders and Assets are meant to be implemented lazily.
Implementations will typically keep a reference to their provider.
For example, the JCR implementation simply keeps
a reference to the corresponding Node instance and delegates to
it on demand.
AssetRenditions and MediaTypes
An AssetRendition is a transformation of an Asset. The
AssetRenderer provides AssetRenditions by bridging an Assets data
and some type of converter.
AssetRenderer can be provided by AssetProvider when the
conversion/translation can be managed by the AssetProvider itself (or
its underlying system), or via a global registry.
AssetProviderRegistry.getRendererFor(Asset asset,MediaType mediaType)
provides the entry point. It looks up in the provider then in its own
registry, and bridges to other possible conversion mechanisms that are
independent of the Magnolia DAM.
AssetRenderers are registered by configuration in the
Core module.
The DAM JCR API classes reside in the DAM JCR module and implement the
DAM API for JCR assets that are stored in the dam workspace and
accessible in the Assets app.
JCR classes
info.magnolia.dam.jcr.JcrAssetProvider: AssetProvider
that delivers assets for the dam workspace. Extends
AbstractAssetProvider and implements PathAwareAssetProvider.
info.magnolia.dam.jcr.AbstractJcrItem: JCR
implementation of an Item. Extends AbstractItem<JcrAssetProvider>.
info.magnolia.dam.jcr.JcrAsset: JCR implementation of
the Asset definition. Extends AbstractJcrItem.
info.magnolia.dam.jcr.JcrFolder: JCR implementation of
the Folder definition. Extends AbstractJcrItem.
info.magnolia.dam.jcr.AssetNodeTypes: Constants and
convenience methods for asset node types.
Asset: Represents the node type mgnl:asset. Fields: caption,
comment, copyright, description, language, master, name,
provider_type, subject, title, type.
AssetResource: Represents the resource node bound to an Asset.
Fields: data, extension, filename, height, mimetype, name,
ressource_name, size, width.
Predicate filtering asset nodes (folders and assets) based on the
following Node.getPrimaryNodeType():
info.magnolia.dam.jcr.DamConstants: Defines commonly
used constants for the DAM JCR module. Fields:
default_jcr_provider_id, workspace.
Custom JCR asset properties
In order to access a custom property defined under a JCR Asset node,
info.magnolia.dam.jcr.JcrAsset provides a public getter:
* JcrAsset specific implementation that lets you access a property value linked to an asset node.
* This requires an open session.
* @return property value Object if the property exists or null otherwise.
*/public Object getProperty(String propertyName){
return PropertyUtil.getPropertyValueObject(getNode(), propertyName);
Base JCR implementation of the MagnoliaAssetMetadata definition.
Methods: getHeight, getWidth.
DAM templating functions
As a template developer, have a look at damfn, a
set of methods that can be used in FreeMarker scripts to easily access
assets, asset renditions, etc.