Cache Tools app

Operations Bundled: Community edition

Edition CE, Cloud




Maven site



The Cache Tools app displays the number of cached elements and lets you flush caches manually.

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:

  <version>6.0.3</version> (1)
1 Should you need to specify the module version, do it using <version>.


The Cache Tools app provides the following information and actions:

  • Cache information: Number of elements currently in the cache.

  • Flush from cache by UUID: Allows you to flush a single item by UUID and repository.

  • Flush cache by name: Allows you to flush a named cache.

  • Flush all caches: Flushes all cached elements.

To mitigate attacks against deserializers, the app only deserializes trusted data.

Cache tools app

There is a known issue in the UI of this app (filed as PUBLISHING-336) where the closing "X" button appearing in the subapp tab will close the subapp but leave no way to reopen it.

The subapp will reappear in the app only if you refresh (F5) the browser view. However, if you’ve had any other app open already, refreshing the browser view will also close all those apps running in the background and you will lose any unsaved data you may have already entered in them.

Until a fix is available for the PUBLISHING-336 issue, you can overcome this limitation by opening Magnolia apps in separate browser tabs.


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