info.magnolia.editor.block.jcr.MultiJcrBlockDefinition is a special type of multi field installed by the Content Editor module. It enables different block types in a content editor, for example the Stories app, and allows you to change their appearance.
Keep in mind that multiJcrBlock is a content-editor field and therefore can’t be used in a content-type app.
By specifying the $type as multiJcrBlock, or alternatively the class as info.magnolia.editor.block.jcr.MultiJcrBlockDefinition, several configuration properties are set automatically:
implementationClass is set to info.magnolia.editor.block.MultiBlockView
entryResolution is set to MultiJcrBlockEntryResolution
The name of the block which will be pre-selected in the block picker subdialog.
The name of the block that will be created as the initial block when creating a new content item (new story).
Common multi field properties
When configuring the common multi field properties listed in the table below, make sure that you use the JcrMultiFieldDefinition-related variables if more options are present.
The field property only applies to field definitions. The corresponding property in a multi block definition is blocks (see in the table above).
Node containing an editor property definition item (typically, a field).
MultiFieldEntryResolution for JcrMultiFieldDefinition
MultiJcrBlockEntryResolution for MultiJcrBlockDefinition
JsonMultiFieldEntryResolver for JsonMultiFieldDefinition
Implementation class that defines how the child entries of a multi field
should be resolved.
MultiFieldEntryResolution of JcrMultiFieldDefinition extends ByIndexedChildNodes, which resolves entry nodes regardless of node names.
To enable this non-strict resolution behavior, there is a strict property that is set to false by default.
Setting strict to true ensures backward compatibility (for example, when porting configurations that use Magnolia 5 UI multi field transformers).
In configurations such as the two below, strict falls back to the required value and that change appears in the Definitions app.
itemProvider specifies the type of data binding for subnodes in complex fields. When you configure a multi field with CurrentItemProvider and set entryResolution to MultiFieldEntryResolution, the strict node resolution is set to false. This ensures that nodes, which aren’t multi fields, don’t get resolved as multi fields.
When you configure a multi field with isSupportI18N set to false, the strict property of entryResolution is set to false. The isSupportI18N configuration flattens localized multi parent nodes into a single parent. However, you need to resolve child nodes in a way that considers their locale suffix and doesn’t take everything beneath the parent, so strict is set to true.
You can’t configure this property through YAML but it can be used in your Java code.
optional, default is
DefaultJcrNodeOrderHandler for JcrMultiFieldDefinition
MultiJcrBlockOrderHandler for JcrMultiFieldDefinition
Implementation class that sorts nodes and ensures that the suffixes in
index names correspond to the order in which they are stored.
When MultiFormDefinition$OrderHandlerDefinition$Noop is used, the order of the items of a multi field cannot be changed retroactively.
You can’t configure this property through YAML but it can be used in your Java code.
optional, default is true for MultiValueFieldDefinition and
When false, the items of a multi field cannot be removed from a
optional, default is translated buttons.add key (translated key for JcrMultiLinkFieldDefinition)
Button label for adding an item. The value is
optional, default is translated buttons.delete key
Button label for removing an item. The value is
optional, default is 0
Specifies the minimum number of items to be added.
optional, default is Integer.MAX_VALUE
Specifies the maximum number of items to be added.
If minItems is greater than maxItems, item count validation will be disabled.
optional, default is translated validators.multi.itemCount.errorMessage key
Error message shown when the number of items is less than
minItems or greater than maxItems. The value can be literal or a
key of a
optional, default is false
Makes the field required. An asterisk is displayed next to the field
optional, default is translated validation.message.required key
Error message shown when required is set to true and
the user saves an empty field. The value can be literal or a
key of a
Common complex field properties
Name of the field definition item. Derived from the configured node
name. Use alphanumeric characters without spaces.
required (unless $type is used)
Type of the field definition item. The value must be a fully qualified
class name and a subtype of info.magnolia.ui.field.FieldDefinition.
types for possible values.
You can use this as a shortcut for class if the definition class is
annotated with info.magnolia.ui.field.FieldType. The proper value is
defined by the annotation.
You can’t configure this property through YAML but it can be used in your Java code.
Help text displayed when the user clicks the help icon. The value can be
literal or a
of a
optional, default is false
Enables i18n
authoring support, which allows editors to write foreign-language or
regionally targeted content. A two-letter language identifier (en,
de, fr, etc.) is displayed on controls where i18n is set to
Field label displayed to editors. The value can be literal or a
of a
If you do not provide the property, Magnolia will fall back to a
generated i18n key.
If you do not want to have any label, set the property to an empty
string such as label: "" in YAML.
Additional style information for an editor property definition item applied to the element when the form is rendered.
The value can be a CSS class or a list of CSS classes separated by white spaces.
The style name will be rendered as an HTML class name, which can be used in a CSS definition.
The class name is added to the field by calling the Vaadin method addStyleName.
Content i18n and migration to version 2.1 (and higher)
Internationalization (i18n) of content is supported since version 2.1 of the Content Editor module.
If you are upgrading from Magnolia 6.2 or from a 1.x version of the Content Editor, please mind the migration procedures below to enable i18n in the Stories app, as well as in other Content Editor based apps you may have.
Compatibility of content and block definitions
Block definitions and data structures created in the older versions of the module must be migrated.
Flat vs nested content structure
The data model has changed for internationalized stories. Whereas in versions 1.3.x and 2.0.x of the module, the mgnl:block elements are stored in a flat node structure,
└── story1
├── 0
└── 1
in the i18n-supported version (2.1 and higher), the nodes are locale-nested under intermediate nodes of type mgnl:contentNode, named blocks_de and blocks in this example:
This must be reflected in your MultiJcrBlockDefinition, where you need to add and enable the i18n property.
Instead of the CurrentItemProvider, the CompatibleBlockProvider is set as the default provider, which can resolve both flat and nested block nodes. You do not need to declare it in your block definition.
This applies only to the 2.0.x block definitions. Block definitions created for version 1.3.x (5 UI) of the module are not compatible with the 2.1 version and must be fully migrated.
Migrating content
There are two ways you can migrate the non-i18n blocks to the i18n-compatible hierarchy: using a version handler or a Groovy script.
We strongly recommend you have the latest version of the Content Editor before migrating your content.
In versions prior to 2.1.3, the MigrateBlockToIntermediateParentTask doesn’t preserve the order of nodes when migrating to the latest version. Running this task can actually reorder the nodes to an incorrect state.
Version handler
When upgrading the Stories app submodule to version 2.1 or higher, all block nodes in the stories workspace will be moved to intermediate nodes, see the MigrateBlockToIntermediateParentTask task.
Groovy script
You can run the migration task in the Groovy app, especially in case a block node is stored in another workspace.