GraphQL module

Multi-experience support Bundled: Extension

Edition DX Core




Maven site



The GraphQL module allows you to expose content stored in JCR through GraphQL POST and GET requests. The module provides a GraphQL API, a binding to Magnolia assets and a seamless integration with content types.

Module structure



Parent reactor.


Integrates GraphQL with Magnolia assets.


Provides the API.


Integrates GraphQL with Magnolia content types and JCR.

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:

  <version>2.0.1</version> (1)
1 Should you need to specify the module version, do it using <version>.
  <version>2.0.1</version> (1)
1 Should you need to specify the module version, do it using <version>.
  <version>2.0.1</version> (1)
1 Should you need to specify the module version, do it using <version>.

Bundled with magnolia-dx-core-demo-webapp

From Magnolia 6.2.10, the module is bundled with magnolia-dx-core-demo-webapp.

You can download the webapp from the release notes or


The module itself does not require any configuration adjustments. It is ready for use once your Magnolia instance is up and running. Registered GraphQL types can be verified using the Definitions app:

GraphQL types in the Definitions app

Disabling specific GraphQL types

If you need to disable a GraphQL schema for a content type, you can do so through definition decoration, for example:



Disabling GraphQL servlet

By default, the GraphQL servlet is enabled. To disable it, set the /server/filters/servlets/GraphQLServlet@enabled property to false.

Changing endpoint name

By default, all GraphQL requests are mapped to /.graphql. You can change this by modifying the pattern property at /server/filters/servlets/GraphQLServlet/mappings/-.graphql--.

Access control

All requests to the GraphQL servlet pass through a filter chain. Make sure that the instance handling GraphQL requests in a production environment has an appropriate assignment of JCR Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Web Access permissions for the GraphQL endpoint and for the JCR workspaces where GraphQL content is stored. For more information, see the Security app.

GraphiQL servlet

The magnolia-graphql-core module installs GraphiQL, a servlet which you can use to explore the GraphQL API and test your GraphQL requests.

The servlet is exposed in two forms:

Servlet configuration

The servlet is installed as GraphiQLServlet under /server/filters/servlets/.

Its default configuration can be modified under /modules/graphql-core/config/graphiql/ using the following properties.

Base properties
Property Description


optional, default is /.graphql

GraphQL endpoint servlet mapping.

The value must correspond with the value of the pattern property in the GraphQLServlet mapping at /server/filters/servlets/GraphQLServlet/mappings/-.graphql--@pattern


optional, default is /graphql-core/webresources/graphiql/index.ftl

Path to the GraphiQL FreeMarker file.

If needed, resource may be overridden (hotfixed) in the Resources app, or developers can use a path to an FTL file in their own light module.

These properties must be configured under /modules/graphql-core/config/graphiql/cdn/.

Property Description


optional, default is false

If true, the React and GraphiQL libraries are served from a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Otherwise, they are served via a resource servlet from static resources in the magnolia-graphql-core light module.


optional, default is 1.4.0

GraphiQL version to serve from a CDN.



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