Configuring a custom cookie trait

This first step in creating a custom cookie trait is to add custom options and values to the preconfigured cookies trait in the Personalization Traits module.

The cookies trait is configured in /modules/personalization-traits/traits/cookies and the configuration includes a rule and value field.

This page of the tutorial shows you how to configure these fields for a cookie named visits. Please read Cookies trait configuration before you begin.

You can import the XML files provided in the Download configuration files section if you prefer not to configure manually.

Configuring the rule field

The rule field defines values for the trait when you choose an audience. The input entered into the rule field(s) is used to construct a voter. The voter decides if the visitor or visit matches the rule. When the rule is met, Magnolia delivers personalized content.

The rule field options display in the Choose audience dialog in the Pages app. See Personalizing a component for how to access the dialog.

There are two steps to configuring the rule field:

  1. Add the new cookie as an option in the switchable field.

  2. Add the new cookie options in the select field.

Adding the switchable field option

Options in the switchable field display in the Choose audience dialog when the user selects Visits in the Cookie field.

To activate the switchable field, in the dialog click Pick trait > Cookie or + > Cookie (if an additional trait exists).

To add the visits option in /modules/personalization-traits/traits/cookies/ruleField/options:

  1. Add a new content node, visits. This is the internal name of the switchable field option.

  2. Add two properties to the visits node:

    1. label= Visits: The label displayed in the field.

    2. value= visits: The option value stored in the repository.

The configuration should look like this:

      label: Visits
      value: visits

Adding the select field options

Options in the select field display in the dropdown in the Visits field.

To add the visits options, in /modules/personalization-traits/traits/cookies/ruleField/fields :

  1. Add a visits/options node structure.

  2. In the /options node:

    1. Add one content node for each option. Our options are one, two, three, four and any. These are the internal names of the options.

    2. Add two properties to each option node:

      1. label= <Option label>: The label displayed in the field.

      2. value= <Option value>: The option value stored in the repository.

  3. Optionally, add a sortOptions property to /visits node and set the value to false. This ensures that the options render in configuration order and not alphabetically.

The configuration should look like this:

      class: info.magnolia.ui.form.field.definition.SelectFieldDefinition
      label: Visits
      sortOptions: false
          label: One
          value: 1
          label: Two
          value: 2
          label: Three
          value: 3
          label: Four
          value: 4
          label: Any
          value: any

Configuring the value field

The value field defines the options that display in the Preview app. The field is used to preview variants when testing personalized content delivery.

The value field is an Option group field. The option values should match the option configurations in the rule field.

To add the value field options, in /modules/personalization-traits/traits/cookies/valueField:

  1. Add one content node for each option configured in the rule field. These are the internal names of the options. The node name is arbitrary. Configure one option for each option configured in the rule field

  2. Add two properties to each option node:

    1. label= <Option label>: The label displayed in the field.

    2. value= <Rule field name>:<Rule field option value>: The option value stored in the repository.

  3. Optionally, add a sortOptions property to /valueField node and set the value to false. This ensures that the options render in configuration order and not alphabetically.

The configuration should look like this:

  class: info.magnolia.ui.form.field.definition.OptionGroupFieldDefinition
  multiselect: false
  sortOptions: false
      label: 'Visit: Any'
      value: visits=any
      label: 'Visits: One'
      value: visits=1
      label: 'Visits: Two'
      value: visits=2
      label: 'Visits: Three'
      value: visits=3
      label: 'Visits: Four'
      value: visits=4

Download a configuration file

As an alternative to manual configuration, you can add the complete configuration to your light module.


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