Use the module

Once a VWO account is created and the VWO AB Testing module has been installed and configured, you can use the module for AB testing.

VWO campaigns

The VWO App displays all tests (campaigns) from your VWO account. This section describes the Views and Actions inside the app.


  1. Campaign lists the VWO campaign.

  2. Content page shows the page the VWO campaign is linked to.

  3. Status displays whether the VWO campaign is currently RUNNING or NOT STARTED.

  4. Type clarifies the type of VWO campaign.

  5. Created by lists when the campaign was created.

  6. Platform lists the website.

vwo campaigns overview


  1. Show campaign detail takes you to the details view.

  2. VWO dashboard takes you to the VWO dashboard.

  3. VWO Config Summary gives you read-only campaign data.

  4. VWO Campaign Report gives you an overview report for the campaign.

  5. Go to Page takes you to the page the VWO campaign is linked to in the Pages app.

vwo campaigns actions

VWO campaign details

The Campaign detail view shows an overview of the campaign including important information around campaign details, variations, and goals. These are split between the applicable tabs as shown here.

  • Setup

  • Variations

  • Goals

Show the overview information such as:

  • Name

  • Notes

  • Type

  • Labels

  • Expected monthly visitors

  • Expected revenue per visitor

  • Conversion rate

  • Lift in conversation rate

vwo campaign details setup

This tab lists the variations you have created for the campaign in your VWO account.

vwo campaign details variations

This section lists the goals you have created for the campaign in your VWO account.

vwo campaign details goals

Pages & VWO Campaigns

You can go directly from linked pages from the VWO App.

Additionally, the Pages App is extended with:

  • A new column showing the status of linked campaigns called VWO A/B status.

  • A direct link to the VWO app called Open VWO campaigns, found in the Actions bar.

vwo campaign to page

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