Set up the module

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:


Configure the module

To link the VWO account with Magnolia, you must have a relevant configuration file.

  1. Create config.yaml at {$magnolia.resources.dir}/abtesting-external-vwo/config.yaml.

  2. Add the following to config.yaml.

    # ID of VWO account
    accountId: 47115813 (1)
    # Token from VWO
    token: ff8dc6af94...ecce77ca518a6edacf6e46cfb (1)
    # public instance
    # Address (URL), where the public instance / SPA is running.
    # Context, under which the public website is running, in this case root
    publicInstanceContext: /
    # Path to the website in the Magnolia website workspace (see Magnolia pages)
    magnoliaWebsitePath: /my-website
    # Usually, you can leave this configuration, if pages of your published website use .html.
    pageSuffix: .html
    1 Retrieve your VWO accountId and token from your VWO account.

Add the SmartCode

VWO generated a SmartCode when it verified your domain.

If you’re on a DX Core license, use the Marketing Tags module and create a tag.

If you do not have the Marketing Tags module, you must manually insert the SmartCode into your site’s header.

    <!-- VWO Smartcode -->


  1. Go to your Marketing Tags app in Admincentral.

  2. Click Add item in the Action bar.

  3. In the Properties tab:

    1. Give the tag a name.

    2. Choose header for the Tag location.

      create marketing tag

  4. In the Content tab, paste the SmartCode.

    create marketing tag content

  5. In the Pages tab, choose the pages you want the tag in such as /travel for example.

    Be sure to include Insert in subpages if desired.

    create marketing tag pages

  6. Don’t forget to save your changes.

You can verify the SmartCode is there by checking the source code of a published page and searching for VWO.

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