Sync VWO data

VWO campaign data is not stored in Magnolia. Instead, links are checked via VWO’s REST API when:

  • You start the VWO app in Magnolia.

  • Your configured background job runs asynchronously.

This ensures that there are no performance issues with the Pages App.

Configure a scheduled job

You can configure a scheduled job using our Scheduler module so that data is synced regularly. You should create a command. In this example, the command is called linkVwoCampaigns.

VWO campaigns may not appear immediately in Magnolia due to the asynchronous approach here.
  1. Create a scheduler job at /modules/scheduler/config/jobs/linkVwoCampaigns.

    Node name Value

    📁 scheduler

         📁 config

                 📁 jobs

                     ⸬ linkVwoCampaigns

                         ⬩ catalog


                         ⬩ command


                         ⬩ cron

    00 * * * *

                         ⬩ description

    Link VWO AB campaigns to Magnolia pages

                         ⬩ enabled



  • cron: Runs every full hour (00 * * * *)

Manually sync campaigns

You can use the Groovy app to manually synchronize your test campaigns with VWO.

  1. Go to the Groovy App in Admincentral.

  2. Click Add script.

  3. Add the following Groovy script to run your linkVwoCampaigns command.

    // trigger VWO linking command
    println "Executing VWO campaign sync..."
    cm = info.magnolia.commands.CommandsManager.getInstance()
    command = cm.getCommand('abTestingVwo', 'linkVwoCampaigns')
    println "Finished linking VWO campaign."
  4. Click Is a script? if not already clicked.

    • Is a script?

  5. Click Run.

  6. Don’t forget to save your changes.


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