Install AI Accelerator

The AI Accelerator module integrates ChatGPT, a powerful language model, to save time and energy for marketers and other editors throughout the content lifecycle, from planning and creation through to content optimization, classification, and rollouts of personalized content.

Module structures changes

From AI Accelerator module version 1.3.0, the following module structures changed:

Category Pre 1.3.0 1.3.0+

UI module paths






For specific API configuration keys:

  • ai-accelerator-openai for OpenaI

  • ai-accelerator-azure for Azure

Installing with Maven

Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following to your bundle:

  • 1.3.X

  • 1.2.X and before


Azure OpenAI

Module dependencies

To install the module successfully, the following dependencies must be added to the POM file of the project in the current version:

  • Project POM

  • Webapp POM 1.3.X

  • Webapp POM 1.2.X

      <!-- Content editor module -->
      <artifactId>magnolia-ai-accelerator-openai</artifactId> <!-- OR  azureai-->
    <!-- Content editor module -->
    <!-- Content editor module -->

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