
Plugins are available from version 1.1.1.

Magnolia AI Accelerators plugin system provides a way for developers to add custom logic to AI assisted text fields and AI powered stories generation.

Each plugin section provides:

  • Everyone : An overview of the plugin

  • Developers : How to activate the plugin

  • Authors : A brief look at what the plugin looks like inside Magnolia

Tools definition plugin

Block Tool

  • Developers

  • Authors

To activate the plugin:

  1. Go to the <light-module-folder>/<light-module-name>/aiEditorExtensions/<your-block-tool>.yaml file in your project.

  2. For example to add a limerick block tool ensure that you have the following in the file:

    enabled: true
    name: LimerickBlockTool
    toolType: block
    availableBlocks: ["paragraph"]
    scriptLocation: <light-module-folder>/<light-module-name>/<your-tool-folder>/limerickBlockTool.js (1)
    1 References the required script.
export const masksTheater = `<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.7.2 by @fontawesome - License - Copyright 2025 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M74.6 373.2c41.7 36.1 108 82.5 166.1 73.7c6.1-.9 12.1-2.5 18-4.5c-9.2-12.3-17.3-24.4-24.2-35.4c-21.9-35-28.8-75.2-25.9-113.6c-20.6 4.1-39.2 13-54.7 25.4c-6.5 5.2-16.3 1.3-14.8-7c6.4-33.5 33-60.9 68.2-66.3c2.6-.4 5.3-.7 7.9-.8l19.4-131.3c2-13.8 8-32.7 25-45.9C278.2 53.2 310.5 37 363.2 32.2c-.8-.7-1.6-1.4-2.4-2.1C340.6 14.5 288.4-11.5 175.7 5.6S20.5 63 5.7 83.9C0 91.9-.8 102 .6 111.8L24.8 276.1c5.5 37.3 21.5 72.6 49.8 97.2zm87.7-219.6c4.4-3.1 10.8-2 11.8 3.3c.1 .5 .2 1.1 .3 1.6c3.2 21.8-11.6 42-33.1 45.3s-41.5-11.8-44.7-33.5c-.1-.5-.1-1.1-.2-1.6c-.6-5.4 5.2-8.4 10.3-6.7c9 3 18.8 3.9 28.7 2.4s19.1-5.3 26.8-10.8zM261.6 390c29.4 46.9 79.5 110.9 137.6 119.7s124.5-37.5 166.1-73.7c28.3-24.5 44.3-59.8 49.8-97.2l24.2-164.3c1.4-9.8 .6-19.9-5.1-27.9c-14.8-20.9-57.3-61.2-170-78.3S299.4 77.2 279.2 92.8c-7.8 6-11.5 15.4-12.9 25.2L242.1 282.3c-5.5 37.3-.4 75.8 19.6 107.7zM404.5 235.3c-7.7-5.5-16.8-9.3-26.8-10.8s-19.8-.6-28.7 2.4c-5.1 1.7-10.9-1.3-10.3-6.7c.1-.5 .1-1.1 .2-1.6c3.2-21.8 23.2-36.8 44.7-33.5s36.3 23.5 33.1 45.3c-.1 .5-.2 1.1-.3 1.6c-1 5.3-7.4 6.4-11.8 3.3zm136.2 15.5c-1 5.3-7.4 6.4-11.8 3.3c-7.7-5.5-16.8-9.3-26.8-10.8s-19.8-.6-28.7 2.4c-5.1 1.7-10.9-1.3-10.3-6.7c.1-.5 .1-1.1 .2-1.6c3.2-21.8 23.2-36.8 44.7-33.5s36.3 23.5 33.1 45.3c-.1 .5-.2 1.1-.3 1.6zM530 350.2c-19.6 44.7-66.8 72.5-116.8 64.9s-87.1-48.2-93-96.7c-1-8.3 8.9-12.1 15.2-6.7c23.9 20.8 53.6 35.3 87 40.3s66.1 .1 94.9-12.8c7.6-3.4 16 3.2 12.6 10.9z"/></svg>`;

import { BlockTool } from "/.resources/ai-accelerator-ui/webresources/tools/BlockTool.js";

export default class ChangeToneBlockTool extends BlockTool {
  async turnIntoLimerick(text){
    const systemMessage = `You are a skilled poet and
    I want you to rewrite the following text as a limerick. Just return the rewritten text, don't add any comments. Keep the langauge of the text.`;
    const query = [
        role: "system",
        content: systemMessage,
        role: "user",
        content: JSON.stringify(text),
    const data = await this.aiService.executeWithRetry(async () => await this.aiService.queryChatGPT(query), 3);
    return data.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1");

  async onExecute(text) {
    return await this.turnIntoLimerick(text);

  get icon() {
    return masksTheater;

  get label() {
    return "Limmerick";

Once the plugin is activated, you’re able to use it directly in Magnolia as shown here.

plugins block tool

Inline Tool

  • Developers

  • Authors

To activate the plugin:

  1. Go to the <light-module-folder>/<light-module-name>/aiEditorExtensions/<your-inline-tool>.yaml file in your project.

  2. For example to add an inline limerick tool ensure that you have the following in the file:

    enabled: true
    name: LimerickTool
    toolType: inline
    availableBlocks: ["paragraph"]
    scriptLocation: <light-module-folder>/<light-module-name>/<your-tool-folder>/limerickTool.js (1)
    1 References the required script.
export const masksTheater = `<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.7.2 by @fontawesome - License - Copyright 2025 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M74.6 373.2c41.7 36.1 108 82.5 166.1 73.7c6.1-.9 12.1-2.5 18-4.5c-9.2-12.3-17.3-24.4-24.2-35.4c-21.9-35-28.8-75.2-25.9-113.6c-20.6 4.1-39.2 13-54.7 25.4c-6.5 5.2-16.3 1.3-14.8-7c6.4-33.5 33-60.9 68.2-66.3c2.6-.4 5.3-.7 7.9-.8l19.4-131.3c2-13.8 8-32.7 25-45.9C278.2 53.2 310.5 37 363.2 32.2c-.8-.7-1.6-1.4-2.4-2.1C340.6 14.5 288.4-11.5 175.7 5.6S20.5 63 5.7 83.9C0 91.9-.8 102 .6 111.8L24.8 276.1c5.5 37.3 21.5 72.6 49.8 97.2zm87.7-219.6c4.4-3.1 10.8-2 11.8 3.3c.1 .5 .2 1.1 .3 1.6c3.2 21.8-11.6 42-33.1 45.3s-41.5-11.8-44.7-33.5c-.1-.5-.1-1.1-.2-1.6c-.6-5.4 5.2-8.4 10.3-6.7c9 3 18.8 3.9 28.7 2.4s19.1-5.3 26.8-10.8zM261.6 390c29.4 46.9 79.5 110.9 137.6 119.7s124.5-37.5 166.1-73.7c28.3-24.5 44.3-59.8 49.8-97.2l24.2-164.3c1.4-9.8 .6-19.9-5.1-27.9c-14.8-20.9-57.3-61.2-170-78.3S299.4 77.2 279.2 92.8c-7.8 6-11.5 15.4-12.9 25.2L242.1 282.3c-5.5 37.3-.4 75.8 19.6 107.7zM404.5 235.3c-7.7-5.5-16.8-9.3-26.8-10.8s-19.8-.6-28.7 2.4c-5.1 1.7-10.9-1.3-10.3-6.7c.1-.5 .1-1.1 .2-1.6c3.2-21.8 23.2-36.8 44.7-33.5s36.3 23.5 33.1 45.3c-.1 .5-.2 1.1-.3 1.6c-1 5.3-7.4 6.4-11.8 3.3zm136.2 15.5c-1 5.3-7.4 6.4-11.8 3.3c-7.7-5.5-16.8-9.3-26.8-10.8s-19.8-.6-28.7 2.4c-5.1 1.7-10.9-1.3-10.3-6.7c.1-.5 .1-1.1 .2-1.6c3.2-21.8 23.2-36.8 44.7-33.5s36.3 23.5 33.1 45.3c-.1 .5-.2 1.1-.3 1.6zM530 350.2c-19.6 44.7-66.8 72.5-116.8 64.9s-87.1-48.2-93-96.7c-1-8.3 8.9-12.1 15.2-6.7c23.9 20.8 53.6 35.3 87 40.3s66.1 .1 94.9-12.8c7.6-3.4 16 3.2 12.6 10.9z"/></svg>`;

import { InlineTool } from "/.resources/ai-accelerator-ui/webresources/tools/InlineTool.js";

export default class ChangeToneTool extends InlineTool {
  async turnIntoLimerick(text){
    const systemMessage = `You are a skilled poet and
    I want you to rewrite the following text as a limerick. Just return the rewritten text, don't add any comments. Keep the langauge of the text.`;
    const query = [
        role: "system",
        content: systemMessage,
        role: "user",
        content: JSON.stringify(text),
    const data = await this.aiService.executeWithRetry(async () => await this.aiService.queryChatGPT(query), 3);
    return data.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1");

  async onExecute(text) {
    return await this.turnIntoLimerick(text);

  get icon() {
    return masksTheater;

  static get title() {
    return "Limmerick";

Once the plugin is activated, you’re able to use it directly in Magnolia as shown here.

plugins inline tool

Dialog Plugin

Dialog plugins consist of two separate plugins. The tool (either inline or block) and the dialog itself. The tool is used to open the dialog with <Dialog Name> (CustomPromptTool.onExecute) and return text content to the editor.

The dialog can be used for different purposes such as retrieval augmented generation (RAG).
  • Developers

  • Authors

To activate the plugin:

  1. Go to the <light-module-folder>/<light-module-name>/aiEditorExtensions/<dialog>.yaml file in your project.

  2. Ensure that you have the following in the file:

    enabled: true
    name: <Dialog Name>
    toolType: dialog (1)
    scriptLocation: <light-module-folder>/<light-module-name>/webresources/<CustomPromptDialog>.js (2)
    1 Ensure the toolType is set to dialog.
    2 References the required script.

Here, we provide an example.

  1. Define the prompt tool such as inline or block tools.

    enabled: true
    name: CustomPromptTool
    toolType: inline|block
    scriptLocation: <light-module-folder>/<light-module-name>/webresources/<CustomPromptTool>.js
  2. Ensure the script referenced in the dialog tool is correct.

    export default class CustomPromptTool extends InlineTool {
      static get title() {
        return "Custom prompts";
      get icon() {
        return bubble;
      async onExecute(text) {
        const actionEvent = await; // Note the dialog name
        if (actionEvent.cancel) {
          return text;
        } else {
          // Use content provided by dialog and execute prompt
  3. Ensure the HyperPromptDialog.js is set for the dialog.

    import {html} from "";
    import {BaseDialog} from "./openai-automations/webresources/shared/wysiwyg/modal/BaseDialog.js";
    export default class CustomPromptDialog extends BaseDialog {
      constructor() {
      onConfirmDialog() {
        // retrieve content from external system to embed into prompt
        return api.getData();
      get title() {
        return "Custom prompts";
      get label() {
        return "Executed complex custom prompts on current context";
      open() {
        // Execute custom logic on dialog open
      renderDialog() {
        // Render Custom Dialog web component with jsx
        return html`<div>Render your custom dialog contents here</div>`;

Once activated, you can see the dialog directly in Magnolia.

plugins dialog

DX Core



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