Copying content for testing

You can copy the content from one environment to another for testing purposes. The copy operation copies all editor-created content, such as pages and assets, from the Magnolia JCR workspaces source environment.

Content from both the author and the public instances is copied to corresponding target instances. When copying content, both the source environment (where you’re copying from) and target environment (where you’re copying to) are locked during the copying process. Once complete, the environments are unlocked again. All content in the target environment is overridden, except the config, users, userroles and usergroups workspaces, during the copy operation.

You can copy:

  • From Live to UAT or Integration.

  • From UAT to Integration.

Because the Integration (INT) environment is a smaller environment by default, there is a slightly increased likelihood of a copy action failing when copying to the INT environment from Live or UAT. Typical causes are large assets that are greater than (>) 50mb in size.
Although passwords are copied over, you must replace them in the target environment for them to be valid.

The copy operation does not copy:

  • Any administrator-created content in the config workspace.

  • Users, roles and groups defined in the Security app.

  • Any light modules deployed in the source environment.

Use this functionality to test a new light module or an updated light module in the Integration environment on the basis of your Live or UAT content.

You can only copy content backward, that is, from Live to UAT or Integration, or from UAT to Integration. To promote your changes forward, you must create a release.

Copy content

  1. In Promoted releases, click Manage updates.

    cloud user interface

  2. Click Copy content for testing.


  3. Select the source environment from which you want to copy content and the target environment the content will be copied to before clicking Next.


  4. Confirm the consequences of the copy operation and click Copy.


    The copy operation begins.

  5. Click OK. As all actions in the Magnolia cockpit are asynchronous, you can click on OK before the copy is complete: the action will run in the background and a notification will appear once it is complete.

    This action appears in the activity log and a notification banner is displayed.

Once you have copied the environment’s content to another environment and made the changes or corrections you required, you can create a release to wrap these changes in preparation for promoting in the UAT or Live environment.

Release versions of the environments displayed in the Package overview are not affected by the copy operation. Check the activity log instead.

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