Creating a release

A release wraps the latest changes in the Integration environment in preparation for promotion on the UAT or Live environment. A new release contains all the Integration environment snapshots promoted since the last release was created. All releases are stored by Magnolia in the cloud and you can restore a previous version if you need to.


  • Before you can create a release at least one snapshot must be deployed in the Integration environment.

  • When a deployed snapshot has been created as a release you cannot create another release until you deploy another snapshot.

Create a release

  1. In Promoted releases, click Manage updates.

    cloud user interface

  2. Click Create a new release from a development snapshot.


    This action appears in the activity log and a notification banner is displayed.
  3. Creating the release is a three-step process:

    1. Click Next in Select snapshot step.

      cockpit ui

    2. Add a name and description in Describe release. Click Create.

      These details are then displayed in the Promoted releases and Environment sections of the Package overview page.

      cockpit ui

    3. Click OK in Define release.

      As all actions in the Magnolia cockpit are asynchronous, you can click on OK before the action is complete: it will run in the background.

      cockpit ui

      This action appears in the activity log and a notification banner is displayed. The new release details are displayed in Promoted releases section.

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